Haitian parliamentary Special Commission for Constitution amendment starts work

5 April 2017
While the Special Commission for the amendment of the Constitution of the Chamber of Deputies officially launched the beginning of its work on Wednesday http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-20516-haiti-news-zapping-politics.html , the constitutionalist Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat, while acknowledging that the process of amendment is a natural reaction, she is positioning preferably for the drafting of a new Constitution. She recalled that in 2011, parliamentarians made 104 amendments to the 1987 Constitution, amendments that have been brought over the years more problems than solutions. According to Mrs Manigat, amending the present Constitution, which had already been amended, would only be "tinkering". She recalled that the 1987 Constitution had been drafted to meet the expectations of the people of the time, who never wanted to return to a dictatorial regime. While believing that certain acquisitions of the 1987 Constitution must be retained, she think that writing a new modern Constitution that will meet the expectations of today's population is the best formula. She stressed that the drafting of a new constitution should not be the work of a group of people or the government, but it is the business of all citizens and that it is important in the elaboration process of this new Constitution to consult a good part of the population to confront ideas and discuss proposals.


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