Haiti postpones June 27 constitutional referendum due to coronavirus pandemic

By Al Jazeera, 8 June 2021
Flag of Haiti (photo credit: pixabay)
Flag of Haiti (photo credit: pixabay)
Haiti has postponed a constitutional referendum scheduled for June 27 due to the coronavirus pandemic without giving a new date for the vote, further deepening the country’s political crisis. President Jovenel Moise has been ruling Haiti, the poorest country in the Americas, by decree after legislative elections due in 2018 were delayed following disputes on the limits of his term. In addition to presidential, legislative and local elections in September, Moise had wanted to submit a new draft of the island nation’s constitution to a popular vote on June 27. Last month he said he would go ahead despite international criticism that the process is not “inclusive, participatory or transparent” enough in a country plagued by political insecurity and criminal gangs. But on Monday an official statement said the decision to postpone was motivated by “difficulties” the electoral council faced as it tried “to assemble and train all the temporary staff for the realisation of the poll” in the face of the pandemic. A new date would be set “after the recommendations of the health authorities and the technical advice of the executives of the electoral institution,” it said.
Read the full article here: Al Jazeera


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