Gabon's transitional president presents draft version of future constitution

By Jide Ibitoye, 1 September 2024
Flag of Gabon (photo credit: Chickenonline via pixabay)
Flag of Gabon (photo credit: Chickenonline via pixabay)
A draft version of Gabon’s future constitution was handed to transitional president, Brice Oligui Nguema, in an official ceremony at Gabon’s presidential palace. The handover came a year after the military ousted President Ali Bongo, whose family had ruled the country for over 50 years. A referendum on the new constitution is due to take place before the end of the year, but the people of Gabon have little information about what it contains. Before handing over the document, the Minister of Institutional Reform summarised the main changes. These include the abolishment of the position of prime minister and seven-year term for a president, renewable once.
Read the full article here: Voice of Nigeria


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