In France, senate president proposes constitutional reform to allow referendum on immigration

By Hugo Struna, 6 September 2023
President of French Senate Gérard Larcher (photo credit: ardmedia)
President of French Senate Gérard Larcher (photo credit: ardmedia)
Real immigration policy cannot be achieved without reform of the French Constitution, President of the French Senate Gérard Larcher (Les Républicains) told Le Parisien on [2 September]. While the government is preparing a law on immigration, the right-wing opposition is keeping up the pressure on a subject close to its heart: “Without constitutional reform, there will be no real migration policy and therefore no successful integration policy,” said Larcher. This proposal aims to organise a major referendum on immigration, as the right and the far-right (Rassemblement National) have been requesting for several months. [...] The Republicans also intend to enshrine in the Constitution the possibility of “derogating from the primacy of treaties and European law […] when ‘the fundamental interests of the Nation’ are at stake”.
Read the full article here: EURACTIV


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