Estonia will hold referendum on constitutional amendment to restrict marriage rights

22 October 2020
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas of Estonia (photo credit: EU2017EE Estonian Presidency/flickr)
Prime Minister Jüri Ratas of Estonia (photo credit: EU2017EE Estonian Presidency/flickr)
The coalition parties have agreed to hold a planned marriage referendum in the spring, instead of in November 2021, which would have coincided with local government elections after several days of crisis discussions. A referendum on the concept of marriage as a matter of state life is planned to be held in spring 2021 based on principles set out in a joint statement agreed by the coalition parties on Thursday. This will take place in accordance with the laws and constitutional values ​​in force in the Republic of Estonia. The referendum is sponsored by the Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) and will pose a question on whether or not marriage should be defined in the constitution as being between one man and one woman.
Read the full article here: ERR


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