Draft constitutional amendment bill published in Botswana

18 March 2024
Botswana flag (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
Botswana flag (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
The Bill, published on March 12, 2024 in the Extra-ordinary Government Gazette, is expected to be presented before Parliament by Minister for State President, Kabo Morwaeng. According to the draft Bill, the object is to amend the Constitution following the approval by government of the recommendations of the Presidential "Commission of Inquiry into the Review of the Constitution of Botswana “as agreed to and varied by Government Paper No. 1 of 2023.” The proposed amendments effectively disqualify former presidents from elective political office. It states that any person who has served as president for an aggregated period of 10 years, “shall not qualify for election as president.” It further states that a retired president “shall not actively engage in politics.” It also calls for disqualification of retired presidents from being President, Vice President, Cabinet Minister, Member of Parliament or Speaker.
Read the full article here: MmegiOnline


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