Croatia's constitutional court rules president may not freely nominate supreme court head

23 March 2021
President Zoran Milanović of Croatia (photo credit: NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization/flickr)
President Zoran Milanović of Croatia (photo credit: NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization/flickr)
The Constitutional Court on Tuesday concluded that the Croatian President can select a nominee for the Supreme Court Chief Justice only from those applicants who sent their applications for that post after the State Judicial Council (DSV) publicly advertised the position. [ . . . ] The Constitutional Court has received a few requests to review the constitutionality of the Courts Act which stipulates the procedure for the appointment of the Supreme Court President. The issue has grabbed limelight since President Zoran Milanović decided not to select any of the three applicants who sent their applications after the State Judicial Council advertised the position. After the expiry of the public call, Milanović proposed law professor Zlata Đurđević, insisting that the law regulating the procedure is not in line with the Constitution.
Read the full article here: Total Croatia News


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