Controversial electoral proposal adopted in Bosnia and Herzegovina

By Mladen Dragojlovic, 19 December 2018
photo credit: chat des Balkans/flickr
photo credit: chat des Balkans/flickr
The Bosnia and Herzegovina Central Election Commission (CEC BiH) adopted a proposal to amend the instructions on the procedure for conducting indirect elections for BiH authorities covered by the BiH Election Law, according to which the House of Peoples of the Federation BiH Parliament would be established according to the 2013 population census results. This solution for a long lasting problem in BiH was proposed by the Head of the CEC BiH, Branko Petrić. Five members of the CEC BiH voted in favour of his proposal on the session held on Tuesday in Sarajevo, while two stood against. The CEC BiH members had to decide between three proposals. CEC BiH member, Vlado Rogić, withdrew his proposal, stressing that the CEC BiH is not a legislator and is not competent to determining the number of MPs in the Federation BiH House of Peoples. Suad Arnautović proposed the 1991 census results to be used in this case, but failed to get a sufficient majority, with three votes in favour and four against. Right after the decision was published, the highest representatives of Croat and Bosniak nation stated his objection on the decision explaining that it is not in accordance with the Federation BiH Constitution.
Read the full article here: Independent Balkan News Agency


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