By Losirene Lacanivalu,
23 August 2024
Flag of the Cook Islands (photo credit: jorono via pixabay)
The Constitutional Review Special Select Committee will be conducting public consultations in Atiu, Mitiaro and Mauke, all in a single day. [ . . . ] “The consultations will focus on the three Constitution Amendment Bills (Bill Nos. 30, 31 and 32) which are currently in the consultation stage.” [ . . . ] The three Constitutional Amendment Bills were presented to Parliament in the last sitting of 2023 in December and were referred to a Special Select Committee for review and consideration.
The Constitution Amendment (No. 30) Bill proposes increasing the number of Cabinet Ministers and removing the ability to appoint a non-MP Minister. The Constitution Amendment (No. 32) Bill provides for the ability for MPs to hold a proxy vote for a fellow MP, and Amendment (No. 31) Bill will allow a new Parliament to commence its work after a general election without waiting for the outcome of any election petitions.
Read the full article here:
Cook Islands News
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