Citizens in Vanuatu begin voting in constitutional referendum

30 May
Flag of Vanuatu (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
Flag of Vanuatu (photo credit: David_Peterson via pixabay)
Vanuatu citizens are voting in a national referendum today on constitutional amendments aimed at curbing political instability in the country. [ . . . ] In the referendum, voters are being asked to vote yes or no to the addition of two articles to the country's constitution. Article 17A says any MP who resigns or is terminated for ceasing to support a political party will have their seat automatically vacated. And article 17B says all MPs must be affiliated to a political party and there can be no single MP party in parliament. The articles have already been passed by parliament and the referendum result will dictate whether they come into effect or are rescinded.
Read the full article here: RNZ


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