Citizens' Assembly on gender equality recommends changing "women in the home" clause in Irish Constitution

By Laura Fletcher, 17 February 2020
Dubin, Ireland (photo credit: Peter Miller/flickr)
Dubin, Ireland (photo credit: Peter Miller/flickr)
The majority of members of the Citizens' Assembly on gender equality broadly favour altering the so-called 'women in the home’ clause in the Constitution in line with the recommendations of the 2013 Constitutional Convention. The newly constituted Assembly considered the Article 42.1 of the Constitution on the second day of formal hearings in County Dublin. It states that "…the State recognises that by her life within the home, woman gives to the State a support without which the common good cannot be achieved." The 2013 Constitutional Convention recommended that the clause be retained and amended to make it gender neutral.
Read the full article here: RTE


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