Brazil's senate approves proposed constitutional amendment criminalizing drugs

By Thaísa Oliveira, 18 April 2024
Palace of the National Congress of Brazil (photo credit: Christoph Diewald via flickr)
Palace of the National Congress of Brazil (photo credit: Christoph Diewald via flickr)
The Senate approved on Tuesday (16) in the first and second rounds the proposal that criminalizes the possession and carrying of drugs in the Constitution, in response to the judgment of the STF (Supreme Federal Court) that could decriminalize marijuana for personal use. The PEC (Constitutional Amendment Proposal) was approved in the first round by 53 votes to 9 and, in the second round, by 52 to 9—3 votes more than the 49 required for the approval of changes to the Constitution. The text now moves to the Chamber of Deputies. If approved in the Chamber, the text will be promulgated by Congress, as constitutional amendments do not require the president's sanction.
Read the full article here: UOL


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