In Barbados, constitutional reform commission members are sworn in

By Loop News, 23 June 2022
Flag of Barbados (photo credit: Flagz Group Limited)
Flag of Barbados (photo credit: Flagz Group Limited)
A former attorney general, a trade unionist and teacher, a member of the clergy, a youth student advocate, a disabled rights advocate and attorneys-at-law are among the group of [11] Barbadians on the Constitutional Reform Commission. [Attorney General Dale Marshal] told the media that the Commissioners’ work would commence [on 24 June]. [...] Acknowledging that much had changed in the island’s development, the Attorney General pointed out that with the island’s transition to a republic, a detailed review of the constitutional structure and mechanics were needed. Marshall urged Barbadians to make an input into how modern Barbados should conduct its business.  “There have been calls for constitutional reforms for many years … but this whole exercise will serve to educate Barbadians as to what a constitution is; what its value to us has been over the years and we want them to take this opportunity to become involved,” he stated, noting that one of the concerns of the Cox and Forde Commissions was that not enough Barbadians had participated in that process.
Read the full article here: Loop News


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