In Australia, referendum working group meets with prime minister as government finalizes details on Indigenous advisory body referendum

By Dominic Giannini and Maeve Bannister, 22 March 2023
Aboriginal Flag (photo credit: Lukas Coch/AAP)
Aboriginal Flag (photo credit: Lukas Coch/AAP)
Finishing touches are being put on advice to the federal government to enshrine an Indigenous voice to parliament. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney and senator Pat Dodson met with the referendum working group on [22 March] afternoon. After cabinet considers the advice, the government is expected to introduce its legislation to alter the constitution next week, setting the referendum wheels in motion. [...] The voice will be designed to represent Indigenous communities and be empowering, community-led, inclusive, respectful, culturally informed and gender balanced. [...] Meanwhile, the government has struck a deal to move ahead with separate legislation setting out how the referendum will run. The opposition agreed to support the bill in the Senate with amendments, including a physical pamphlet outlining both the "yes" and "no" cases and some funding changes. There will also be official recognition of both campaign organisations as well as better opportunities for people to vote in remote communities.
Read the full article here: The North West Star


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