Activists call on Chileans to vote for new constitution

15 July 2013
<p><strong>Marca tu Voto campaign aims to make presidential elections an informal referendum for a constitutional assembly.</strong> <br><br>During Chile’s elections this November, voters will have the opportunity to support not only a presidential candidate, but also a radical overhaul of the nation’s Pinochet-era constitution. </p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>According to Article 71 of Law 18.700, passed in 2008, voters may now write the letters “AC” — the Spanish acronym for a constitutional assembly — in the upper-right corner of their ballots. Everyone who casts a ballot will still have to choose a candidate — but officials will also record the number of ballots that have extra markings. <br><br></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
Read the full article here: The Santiago Times


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