Constitutional Court/Judical Review
A judicial body with the responsibility of interpreting and ensuring the enforcement of the Constitution, usually through the review of legislation or other administrative decisions to ensure their compliance with the requirements of the Constitution
16 May 2023
In Belize, constitution commission chair updates party leaders on constitutional reform priorities
10 May 2023
In Mexico, president announces constitutional amendment proposal for citizens to directly elect supreme court judges
9 May 2023
In Mexico, supreme court invalidates portions of AMLO's 'plan B' electoral reform
4 May 2023
In Nigeria, house of representatives submits for presidential approval constitutional bill to raise judicial retirement age from 65 to 70 years
19 April 2023
Mexico supreme court rules transferring national guard from civilian to military control was unconstitutional
18 April 2023
South Africa enacts law providing for inclusion of independent candidates for national and provincial legislatures
5 April 2023
In Pakistan, federal cabinet rejects supreme court’s unanimous verdict holding election delay unconstitutional
4 April 2023
In Liberia, supreme court hears case on constitutionality of national elections commission’s biometric voter registration
3 April 2023
In Pakistan, parliament passes law curtailing powers of supreme court chief justice
3 April 2023
In Mexico, president announces ‘plan C’ after supreme court suspends electoral reform