Dear Reader, You are receiving this email because of your interest in constitutional reform issues and/or membership of International IDEA's constitution building thematic website ConstitutionNet.Org. It provides you with an update on all new content - news, analyses, events, new resources, etc. - created within the network over the last month. To access the content, click on any of the links below or visit www.ConstitutionNet.Org |
New International IDEA publication - Constitution Building: A Global Review (2013) The Constitution Building Programme would like to take this opportunity to extend special thanks to the chapter authors Melanie Allen, Sumit Bisarya, Sujit Choudhry, Tom Ginsburg, Christina Murray, Yuhniwo Ngenge, Cheryl Saunders, Richard Stacey and Nicole Töpperwien. We also extend our appreciation to the following for their contributions to the timelines: Ibrahim Al-bakri Nyei of the Liberia Governance Commission, Hope Mubanga of Diakonia- Zambia and Prabindra Shakya of Nepal.
- Thematic primers on constitution building processes The primers are designed as an introduction for non-specialist readers, and as a convenient aide-memoire for those with prior knowledge or experience of constitution-building. Arranged thematically around the practical choices faced by constitutionbuilders, the primers aim to explain complex issues in a quick and easy way.
New members on ConstitutionNet |
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