Issue 4, April 2014

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Voices from the field

Gender and constitutionalism in Mexico: from quotas to parity?
by Jose Miguel Cabrales Lucio
Constitutional reform in post-war Liberia
by Ibrahim Al-bakriNyei
Nepal: Deconstructing the CA’s new rules of procedure and action plan
by Prabindra Shakya
Nepal Prospects of a new Tanzanian constitution: will it suffer a miscarriage or be still born?

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In the media this month


South Sudan How bickering over a new Constitution is affecting the growth of Tanzania’s natural gas sector
Tunisia Drafting Yemen’s new Constitution: how open shall the process be?
by Ali Abulohoom
Nigeria Libya and Tunisia: a tale of two revolutions
by Mohammed Fahad al-Harithi
Ukraine Should Japan amend Article 9 of its Constitution?
by Theodore Terpstra
Tunisia Between tribalism and federalism: Libya in chaos
by Alessandro Bruno
Egypt Zambia: Sata’s conduct over new Constitution risks electoral backlash
by Arthur Simuchoba
Lebanon Hope rises again for new Constitution
by Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Tunisia Will an independent Scotland's new constitution continue to defend the faith?
by Michael Trimmer
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ConstitutionNet is an International IDEA project developed and maintained with generous support from the Government of Norway