Issue 1, June 2013
Dear Reader,
You are receiving this email because of your interest in constitutional reform issues and/or membership of International IDEA’s Constitution building thematic website ConstitutionNet.Org. It provides you with an update on all new content – news, analyses, events, new resources, etc. - created within the network over the last month.
To access the content, click on any of the links below or visit www.ConstitutionNet.Org
1 Featured analysis
- Consolidating the Arab Spring: Constitutional Transitions in Egypt and Tunisia. An IDEA –NYU Working Paper Series Read more and download papers…
2 Voices from the field
- This new initiative of ConstitutionNet looks at how CBPs are unfolding in practice through the eyes of local experts. In this inaugural series, Mugambi Laibuta, formerly of the Secretariat of the Kenya Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, and ConstitutionNet member takes an in-depth look - in the first two of six pieces - at the realities of implementing devolution in Kenya and; why the battle for Kenya’s presidency in 2013, was fought not in the streets but in the courts.
Want to be a ConstitutionNet Voice from the field? Contact us!
3 Latest library documents
- Final draft of the Tunisia Constitution (Arabic Version)
- Fiji’s 2013 draft Constitution: An analysis
- The 2011 Moroccan Constitution: A critical analysis
4 Upcoming events
- Summer Course on Constitution Building in Africa, 24-29 June 2013, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
- Conference on Constitution Making in Africa, 6 September 2013
5 Jobs in CBPs
- Constitution and civic education consultant, Monrovia, Liberia
- Senior Technical Advisors, Constitution Building
- Constitutional Development Advisor, Juba, South Sudan
6 New members on ConstitutionNet
7 ConstitutionNet needs assessment: Thank you!
In the last few months, many of you played a central role in the needs assessment exercise that was conducted for ConstitutionNet.Org, by the Owl Re team of consultants… (Expand...)