Dear Reader, You are receiving this email because of your interest in constitutional reform issues and/or membership of International IDEA's constitution building thematic website ConstitutionNet.Org. For regular updates on constitutional reform processes worldwide and to interact with us, visit our website, follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook. Our August Newsletter includes four original pieces on the issue of direct democracy. The Zambian constitutional referendum, which would have enhanced fundamental rights and the final say of the people in future constitutional reforms, was defeated. Ireland continues its experimentation with citizen assemblies in constitutional reforms, this time on abortion. While Slovenian citizens are relying on the ‘constitutional initiative’ to ensure the constitutional guarantee of the right to water, the ruling coalition in Greece has initiated a constitutional reform process to enhance the power of the people to make and reject laws. For interesting updates on constitutional developments from Chile to the Philippines, Iran to Lithuania, and covering issues ranging from constitutional reform processes, to federalism, gender, indigenous peoples, and term limits, please scroll down. |