Academic Institution
A university or other official academic organisation
The Scope and the Content of the Sri Lankan Constitution: Perspectives of Opinion Leaders
Constitutional Performance Assessment of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
Guides and Handbooks
Legal Approaches to Responding to Emergencies: Covid-19 as a Case Study
Record of Discussions
Representation from the Ground Up
Guides and Handbooks
Beyond Representation in Pandemic Responses: Independent and International Institutions
Guides and Handbooks
How Federations Responded to Covid-19
Issue Paper
Constitutional Performance Assessment in the Time of a Pandemic: The 1987 Constitution and the Philippines' COVID-19 Response
Guides and Handbooks
Implementing Federalism
Guides and Handbooks
Asymmetric Territorial Arrangements in Decentralized Systems
Guides and Handbooks
Constitutional beginnings: Making and amending constitutions