IDEA Constitution Building Publications Library Annual Review of Constitution-Building: 2023 Legislatures: Organization, Administration and Privileges Natural Resource Management: Development and Environmental Protection in Constitutional Reform Processes Options for Post-Conflict Constitutional Arrangements in Sudan Shaping the Post-Conflict Landscape? The Role of Constitutions in Natural Resource Governance The Possible Role and Risk of Power-Sharing in Sudan Análisis comparativo de la Constitución de Chile y Dos Proyectos de Reforma Constitucional Constitutional Approaches to Decentralization: Elements, Challenges and Implications Designing Resistance: Democratic Institutions and the Threat of Backsliding Removal of Presidents Transitions to Parliamentary Systems: Lessons Learned from Practice Women and Constitutional Reform in Response to Social Crisis صياغة رؤ ية دستور ية جديدة للعراق A New Constitution for Myanmar: Towards Consensus on an Inclusive Federal Democracy Annual Review of Constitution-Building: 2021 Constitution-Building and Disruption: Addressing Changing Conflict Patterns Constitutions, Customary and Religious Law, and Gender Equality Myanmar’s Environment and Climate Change Challenges Opposition and Legislative Minorities: Constitutional Roles, Rights and Recognition Second Chambers in Federal Systems Taming the Incumbency Advantage: Innovative Constitutional Designs from the ‘South' Beyond Representation in Pandemic Responses: Independent and International Institutions Constitutional Negotiations: Dynamics, Deadlocks and Solutions Electing Presidents in Presidential and Semi-Presidential Democracies Emergency Law Responses to Covid-19 and the Impact on Peace and Transition Processes Gender and Rules of Procedure in Constituent Processes: A Comparative Discussion in Support of the Chilean Constitutional Convention How Federations Responded to Covid-19 Interim Governance Arrangements: Comparative Principles and Practice for Myanmar Legal Approaches to Responding to Emergencies: Covid-19 as a Case Study Let’s talk about constitutions! Los Reglamentos en Órganos Constituyentes desde una Perspectiva Comparada: Recomendaciones y lecciones aprendidas (Webinario, 30 de marzo 2021) Mechanisms for Indigenous Representation, Participation and Consultation in Constitutional Systems: International Examples to Inspire Chile Practical Considerations for Public Participation in Constitution-Building: What, When, How and Why? Reglamentos de Órganos Constituyentes - Panorama Comparativo: Procesos Constitucionales Comparados The Juba Agreement for Peace in Sudan: Summary and Analysis The Scope and the Content of the Sri Lankan Constitution: Perspectives of Opinion Leaders Constitutional Performance Assessment in the Time of a Pandemic: The 1987 Constitution and the Philippines' COVID-19 Response Official Language Designation Independent Regulatory and Oversight (Fourth-Branch) Institutions (S)electing Constitution-Making Bodies in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings Constitutional Design for Territorially Divided Societies Electoral system design in the context of constitution-building Emergency Powers in Constitutions Reflections on referendums Secession: Constitution Brief Semi-presidentialism and inclusive governance in Ukraine: Reflections for constitutional reform Government Formation And Removal Mechanisms Substate Constitutions in Fragile and Conflict-affected Settings: Policy paper Dissolution of Parliament إنتقال اليمن "سلمياً" من الحكم الإستبدادي: هل كان النجاح ممكناً؟ Presidential Legislative Powers Presidential Veto Powers Local Democracy Federalism Limitation Clauses Constitutional Amendment Procedures Social and Economic Rights Religion-State Relations Constitutional Monarchs in Parliamentary Democracies Non-Executive Presidents in Parliamentary Democracies Judicial Tenure, Removal, Immunity and Accountability Judicial Appointments Direct Democracy Bicameralism What is a Constitution? Principles and Concepts A Commentary on the Egyptian Constitutional Declaration Dated 17 June 2012 A Glossary of Constitutional Terms: English-Nepali, International IDEA - 2007 A Practical Guide to Constitution Building A Practical Guide to Constitution Building (Myanmar Language), International IDEA - 2013 A Practical Guide to Constitution Building, International IDEA - 2011 A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: Building a Culture of Human Rights A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: Decentralized Forms of Government A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: Principles and Cross-cutting Themes A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: The Design of the Executive Branch A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: The Design of the Judicial Branch A Practical Guide to Constitution Building: The Design of the Legislature Analysis of the Draft Constitution of Libya - Thematic Committees of the Constitution Drafting Assembly Status: December 2014 Annual Review of Constitution Building: 2019 Annual Review of Constitution-Building Processes: 2014 Annual Review of Constitution-Building Processes: 2015 Annual Review of Constitution-Building Processes: 2016 Annual Review of Constitution-Building Processes: 2018 Assessing the Iraqi Constitution’s Impact on State and Society Assessing the Performance of the South African Constitution Bolivia: Miradas. Nuevo Texto Constitucional, International IDEA - 2010 Combating Corruption Constitutional Frameworks for the Middle East and North Africa Comentarios a la propuesta constitucional aprobada por la Asamblea Constituyente boliviana, International IDEA - 2008 Constitution Assessment for Women's Equality Constitution Building in Asia: the tipping point for democratization? Constitution Building Processes and Democratization Constitution Building Processes and Democratization, International IDEA - 2006 Constitution Building: A Global Review (2013) Constitution-building in states with territorially based societal conflict Constitution-building processes in Latin America from 1978-2012 Constitution-Building Technology Fair 2015 - Final Report Constitutional Amendment Bills in Myanamar, 27 January 2020: International IDEA Interim Report Constitutional beginnings: Making and amending constitutions Constitutional Change and Participation of LGBTI Groups: A case study of Nepal Constitutional Change and Participation of LGBTI Groups: A case study of South Africa Constitutional Courts after the Arab Spring: Appointment mechanisms and relative judicial independence Constitutional Performance Assessment of the 1987 Philippine Constitution Constitutional Reform in Indonesia: A Retrospective Constitutional Reform Processes and Political Parties. Principles for Practice, International IDEA and NIMD - 2012 Constitutional Transitions and Territorial Cleavages Constitutions and International Law Consultation, Deliberation and Decision-Making: Direct Public Participation in Constitution-Building Courts in Federal Countries: Constitution Brief Creating the New Constitution: A Guide for Nepali Citizens, International IDEA - 2008 Cultura de la Constitución en Costa Rica. Una encuesta nacional de actitudes, percepciones y valores, International IDEA - 2009 Customary Governance and Democracy Building: Exploring the Linkages, International IDEA - 2011 Decentralization in Unitary States Constitutional Frameworks for the Middle East and North Africa Democratic Dialogue – A Handbook for Practitioners Discussion Paper: Constituent Assembly Procedures from a Gender Perspective, International IDEA - 2008 Electoral Management Design: The International IDEA Handbook English translation of the draft Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile (July 2022) English-Nepali Glossary of Federal Terminology Executive Types: Graphic Illustration From paper to lived reality: Gender-responsive constitutional implementation in Nepal Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns: A Handbook on Political Finance Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment: Constitutional Jurisprudence ICTs and Constitution Building Tech Fair ICTs and Constitution Building Tech Fair IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Bahrain IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Chile IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Colombia IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study East Timor IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Fiji IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Guatemala IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Hungary IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Indonesia IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Kenya IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Nigeria IDEA: The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Rwanda Implementing Federalism Inclusion of Combatants in Constitution-Building Indigenous Peoples' Rights in Constitutions Assessment Tool Interactions between Elections and Constitution-Building Processes in Fragile and Conflict-affected States Interim Constitutions: Peacekeeping and Democracy-Building Tools Interim Governance Arrangements in Post-Conflict and Fragile Settings Judicial review systems in West Africa: A comparative analysis Making Presidentialism Work: Sharing and Learning from Global Experience Marginalized Groups and Constitution Building - A Roundtable Report Moving Beyond Transitions to Transformation: Interactions Between Transitional Justice and Constitution-Building Myanmar’s Federal Democracy Charter: Analysis and Prospects National Survey on Nepal's Constitution Building Process Những hướng dẫn thiết thực về xây dựng hiến pháp, International IDEA - 2013 Oil and Natural Gas Constitutional Frameworks for the Middle East and North Africa Policy Paper: Constitution building after conflict: External support to a sovereign process, International IDEA - 2011 Proposals for Constitutional Change in Myanmar from the Joint Parliamentary Committee on Constitutional Amendment: International IDEA Interim Analysis Protecting Ethnic Minorities within Minorities Public Consultation on a Draft Constitution: With Particular Reference to Women in Nepal Report: 30 Years of Democracy: Riding the Wave? Women's Political Participation in Latin America, International IDEA - 2008 Rule of Law and Constitution Building: The Role of Regional Organizations Rules of Procedure of the Second Constituent Assembly of Nepal ( March 2014) Security Sector Reform in Constitutional Transitions Self-Determination: Constitution Brief Sequencing Peace Agreements and Constitutions in the Political Settlement Process Shaping States through Constitutions Should Ministers be Members of the Legislature? Sub-State Constitutions in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Settings: Conference Report Tendencias del constitucionalismo en Iberoamérica, International IDEA - 2009 Territory and Power in Constitutional Transitions The 2011 Moroccan Constitution: A Critical Analysis The Constituent Assembly of Nepal: An Agenda for Women THE CONSTITUTION OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM (AS AMENDED in 2013 ) The Division of Powers in Federations The Importance of Constitutional Law for Belarusian Democracy: An Analysis of the Amended 1994 Constitution and Considerations for Democratic Reform The Judiciary and Constitutional Transitions The Proposed Constitution of Tanzania (Sept 2014) The Role of Constituent Assemblies in Constitution Making, Yash Ghai, International IDEA - 2012 The Role of Constitution Building Processes in Democratization - “Who Should Harvest the Fruits of Victory? Constitution Building in Timor-Leste.” The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Studies The Role of Constitution-Building Processes in Democratization - Case Study Bahrain The role of regional organizations in the protection of constitutionalism Women Constitution-Makers: Comparative Experiences with Representation, Participation and Influence Women Members of the Constituent Assembly: A study on contribution of women in constitution making in Nepal Workshop: Constitution Building for Afghan Civil Society Yearbook of the Association of Arab Constitutional Law 2015-2016 Yemen’s ‘Peaceful’ Transition from Autocracy: Could it have succeeded? أنظمة تمويل الاحزاب السياسية - الاصلاح الدستوري بعد الربيع العربي اللامركزية في الدول الموحّدة: أطر دستورية لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا المحاكم الدستورية بعد الربيع العربي - آليات التعيين واستقلالية المحاكم النظام شبه الرئاسي كوسيلة لتقاسم السلطة - الاصلاح الدستوري بعد الربيع العربي النفط والغاز الطبيعي: أطر دستورية لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا تحليل مسودة الدستور الليبي - اللجان النوعية في الهيئة التاسيسية لصياغة الدستور - الوضع: كانون أول/ديسمبر 2014 دستور استراليا لعام 1901 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 1985 دستور الإكوادور لعام 2008 دستور البرازيل لعام 1988 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2005 دستور البرتغال لعام 1976 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2005 دستور الدانمرك لعام 1953 دستور المكسيك لعام 1917 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2007 دستور النرويج لعام 1814 مع تعديلاته لغاية عام 2004 دستور النمسا لعام 1920 دستور الهند لعام 1949 مع التعديلات لغاية عام 2012 دستور ايران لعام 1979 دستور باراغواي لعام 1992 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2001 دستور باكستان لعام 1973 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2012 دستور بنــن لعام 1990 دستور بولنــدا لعام 1997 دستور بوليفيــا لعام 2009 دستور بيـرو لعام 1993 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2009 دستور تركيا لعام 1982 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2002 دستور تشيلي لعام 1980 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2012 دستور روسـيا لعام 1993 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2008 دستور غانــا لعام 1992 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 1996 دستور فنزويـلا لعام 1999 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2009 دستور كندا لعام 1867 وتعديلاته حتى عام 2011 القانون الدستوري لعام 1867 قانون اتحاد كندا ونوفا سكوشا ونيوبرونزويك وحكومته؛ وللغايات المتعلقة به 29 آذار/مارس 1867 دستور كوستاريكا 1949 مع تعديلاته حتى العام 2011 دستور كولومبــيا لعام 1991 مع تعديلاته حتى عام 2005 دستور هنـدوراس لعام 1982 مع كافة تعديلاته حتى عام 2012 دستور هولندا لعام 1815 مع تعديلاته لغاية عام 2008 دليل عملي لبناء الدساتير - المقدمة ، المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات - 2013 عمليات الإصلاح الدستوري والأحزاب السياسية: مبادئ للممارسة، المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات - 2012 عمليات الانتقال الدستوري والانقسامات الاقليمية مكافحة الفساد: أطر دستورية لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ورقة سياسة: بناء الدستور في مراحل ما بعد الصراع: الدعم الخارجي لعملية سيادية ، المؤسسة الدولية للديمقراطية والانتخابات - 2011 ورقة نقاش: صياغة مشروع الدستور - تجارب مقارنة ودروس مستفادة