Carina Barbosa Gouvêa

Job Title

Professor of the Post-Graduate Program PhD / MS in Law of the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGD / UFPE)


Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGD / UFPE)



Area of Expertise

  • Conflict
  • Gender and constitutions
  • Diversity
  • Customary governance/legal pluralism
  • Human rights
  • Judicial system design
  • Minority issues
  • Participation
  • Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
  • Religion
  • Security sector


Address to access this CV:êa

Professor of the Post-Graduate Program PhD / MS in Law of the Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGD / UFPE)

Post Doctoral Internship - Federal University of Pernambuco (PPGD / UFPE); PhD and MS in Law from UNESA, Public Law and Social Evolution, Research Area Fundamental Rights and New Rights. Researcher of the Research Groups New Perspectives in Constitutional Jurisdiction (NPJuris - UNESA / RIO); Laboratory of Comparative Latin American and European Studies (CECLAE); Global Comparative Law: Governance, Innovation and Sustainability (UVA / RJ). UFRPE Scholarship Professor at the Bachelor's Degree in Public Administration; Professor at FACIPE / PE. It is associated to the National Council of Research and Post-Graduation in Law and evaluator of scientific articles. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Juridical Magazine "Diké" of UESC; Member of the Scientific Council of Legal Magazine A Barriguda. Columnist of the Legal Portal "A Barriguda. He acts as a guest parecista, evaluating scientific articles of the Journal of the General Law of the Union, of the Contemporary Legal Theory Magazinethe Graduate Program in Law at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and the School of Superior Judiciary in Tocantinense. She is a lawyer (OAB / BA and OAB / RJ) and member of the Economic Law Commission of OAB / RJ. She is a writer and lecturer. Academic productions are focused on Public Law, especially in the area of ​​research that deals with constitutional jurisdiction, fundamental rights, comparative constitutional law, constitution-making, and public international law.

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