Maleh Youness
Job Title
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
-Book: System of collection of land groups and the need for reform, Dar es Salaam Press, Rabat, 2018, International Standard Book Number: X876-2028.
- Book: the mandatory guarantees of the binding in the face of the tax administration, security printing Rabat Distribution of the library Rashad Bastat, in 2015.
- Contribution to an article in a special issue of Al-Manara Journal for Legal and Administrative Studies, under the title: Ruling of Administrative Complaints before the Tax Administration: Its Terms, Periods and Dilemmas, Special Issue 2018, Dar es Salaam Press, Rabat 2018.
- Contribution to an article in Al-Manara magazine for legal and administrative studies, under the title: Moroccan Tax System: Track, Outcome and Prospects of Reform, double number-second and third-2018, Dar es Salaam Press, Rabat 2018.
- Contribution to an article in the Journal of Legal Guidance, under the title: Moroccan Tax System: Track, Outcome and Prospects of Reform, No. 21 December 2017, Dar Al Qalam for Printing, Rabat 2017.
- Contribution to an article in the magazine of jurisprudence and international law, under the title: the preparation of a university thesis: Why? And how ?, sixty-one, November 2017,
- Contribution to an article in the magazine of the tracts in thought, politics and economy under the title: Smart cities in Morocco: the foundations, experiences and possibilities of application, No. 35/36, Press success new, Casablanca 2017.
- Contribution to an article in the Journal of the tracts in thought, politics and economy under the title: Electoral Governance in Morocco after the Constitution of 2011, No. 44/43, Al-Najah New Press, Casablanca 2016.
- Contribution to an article in the journal of the tracts in thought, politics and economy, under the title: Local levies and the question of regional advanced, No. 29/30, Al-Najah New Press, Casablanca 2015.
- Contribution to an article in the magazine of the tracts in thought, politics and economy under the title: Reform of the judiciary in Morocco between the Constitution and the Charter, No. 48/47, Press success new, Casablanca 2015.
- Contribution to an article in the Journal of Legal Sciences Maroc droit, under the title: The historical course of tax disputes in Morocco, the jurisprudence series of the administrative judiciary, the second issue, security printing Rabat 2015 ..
- Contribution to an article in the Journal of Legal Sciences Maroc droit, Series of Constitutional and Political Studies, No. 4, under the title: The Need for Reform of the System of Collective Collections of Dusty Communities, Security Press, Rabat, 2016.