Wiveca Stegeborn
Job Title
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Encyclopedia entries Stegeborn, Wiveca 2018
Wanniyala-Aetto '(Vedda’) Resistance in against Modification of their Hunter-Gatherer Society in Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions among the Indigenous People of South Asia. Ed. Marine Carrin. University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France: Brill's Encyclopaedia.
__________. 2014 The Indigenous Hunter-Gatherers of Sri Lanka, the Wanniyala-Aetto. In Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: South Asia and Southeast Asia. Ed. D. E. Jasleen. England: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, England.
__________. 1999 “The Wanniyala-Aetto (Veddahs) of Sri Lanka.” In, The Cambridge Encyclopaedia of Hunters and Gatherers. Richard B. Lee & Richard Daly (Eds.). New York: Cambridge University Press.
Book chapter 2004 “The Disappearing Wanniyala-Aetto “Veddahs” of Sri Lanka: A case study. “ In, Nomadic Peoples. Berghahn Journals, U.K.
2003 “Sri Lanka”. In, International Work Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA). Copenhagen: Denmark.
2001 “Wanniyala-Aetto Women Being Trafficked to Arab Oil Countries.” In, The Indigenous World 2000-2001. IWGIA. Copenhagen: Denmark.
2000 “Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation: Targets people with clothes.” In, The Indigenous World 1999-2000. IWGIA. Copenhagen: Denmark.
1999 “ No return for the Wanniyala-Aetto (Veddahs), in Sri Lanka.” In, The Indigenous World 1998-1999. IWGIA. Copenhagen: Denmark.
1995 “Indigenous People and Self-Determination. “ In, IWGIA (International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs). No. 3: 12-19. Copenhagen, Denmark: IWGIA.
1985 “The Veddas--A People Under Threat.” In, IWGIA Newsletter, Vol. 42: 166-180. IWGIA. Copenhagen: Denmark. 1995 “Vedda unable to put their case to UN”. In IWGIA, Vol. 43/44 : 289 – 290.