Voices from the Field
Through the eyes of local experts and actors, ConstitutionNet’s ‘Voices from the Field’ series offers a monthly look at constitution building processes as they are unfolding on the ground around the world. Contributions take the form of interviews with, and opinion pieces from, constitutional experts, lawyers, practitioners and other engaged citizens in the field for a fresh and original look at issues of importance to local populations during the drafting, adoption and implementation of constitutions.

Voices From The Field
31 January 2024
In the World of Constitution-Building in 2023

Voices From The Field
1 November 2023
Almost thirty years to reach one-third: will India's constitutional amendment enhance women's political participation?

Voices From The Field
25 October 2018
LGBT rights in India: The Doctrine of Constitutional Morality and Counter-Majoritarianism in the Context of Institutional Supremacy

Voices From The Field
27 February 2018
Triple Talaq: Personal Law and Colonial Shadows in Contemporary India

Voices From The Field
26 April 2016
India’s failure to enhance the representation of women in national and state politics

Voices From The Field
30 October 2015
Pick and Choose: Judicial Appointments in India

Voices From The Field
26 February 2015
Secularism and the Constitution of India: controversy under the Modi administration