Voices from the Field
Through the eyes of local experts and actors, ConstitutionNet’s ‘Voices from the Field’ series offers a monthly look at constitution building processes as they are unfolding on the ground around the world. Contributions take the form of interviews with, and opinion pieces from, constitutional experts, lawyers, practitioners and other engaged citizens in the field for a fresh and original look at issues of importance to local populations during the drafting, adoption and implementation of constitutions.

Voices From The Field
22 December 2022
In the World of Constitution Building in 2022

Voices From The Field
31 October 2022
The Emergence of ‘Fixed Constitutional Commitments’ on the Environment: A Tool for Addressing Climate Change?

Voices From The Field
21 December 2020
In the World of Constitution Building in 2020

Voices From The Field
4 December 2020
Kenya’s Elite-led ‘Popular’ Initiative Seeks First Amendments to 2010 Constitution

Voices From The Field
28 October 2020
From a Kenyan ‘Handshake’ to Constitutional Reform: Towards a Bloated Semi-Presidential System?

Voices From The Field
26 October 2018
Popular initiatives to amend Kenya’s constitution: A misdiagnosis of the problem?
Voices From The Field
21 December 2016
Constitution building in 2016 through the lens of ConstitutionNet’s Voices from the Field

Voices From The Field
17 June 2016
Kenya’s failure to implement the two-third-gender rule: The prospect of an unconstitutional Parliament

Voices From The Field
26 January 2016
Constitutional Amendment Through Popular Initiative: Tentative Lessons From the “Okoa Kenya” Campaign

Voices From The Field
30 July 2015
Term Limits and Democratic Consolidation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from Burundi

Voices From The Field
15 January 2015
Kenyans and the Constitution under attack

Voices From The Field
12 July 2013
Turf battles in the new Kenyan Parliament - Democracy at work or politics as usual?

Voices From The Field
12 July 2013
Money, politics and the rise of the ‘fourth branch of government’ in Kenya

Voices From The Field
11 June 2013
Implementing devolution in Kenya: challenges and opportunities two months on

Voices From The Field
11 June 2013
Electoral dispute resolution: Kenya’s jump from street justice to judicial institutions