Amos Sawyer
Job Title
Indiana University
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
2008 “Emerging Patterns in Liberia’s Post-Conflict Politics: Observations from the 2005 Elections” African Affairs, the Journal of the Royal African Society. Vol. 107 no. 427 (April) pp.177-199.
2006 “Social Capital, Survival Strategies and their Potential for Post-Conflict
Governance in Liberia.” In Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis, Ravi Kanbur and
Elinor Ostrom (eds.) Unlocking Hunan Potential: Formality and Informality in Developing Countries. Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming.)
2005 Beyond Plunder: Toward Democratic Governance in Liberia. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers
2004 “Violent Conflicts and Governance Challenges in West Africa: The Case
of the Mano River Basin Area” Journal of Modern African Studies, vol.43,
no. 2 (September).
2004 “Governance and Democratization in West Africa: The Challenge Facing
The Economic Community of West African States.” In Adekeye Adebajo
(ed.) Towards a Pax West Africana: Building Peace in A Troubled
Sub-Region. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers
1997 Dynamics of Conflict Management in Liberia, Accra: Institute of Economic Affairs, Occasional Papers Series No. 12
“Militaries, Democracies and Security in Sub-Saharan Africa: Meeting the Challenge.” In Africans Solving African Problems, Jean Herskovits (ed) International Peace Academy publications, New York.
1992 The Emergence of Autocracy in Liberia: Tragedy and Challenge, San Francisco Institute of Contemporary Studies Press.
1990 Proprietary Authority and Local Administration in Liberia” in James Wunsch and Dele Olowu eds. The Failure of the Centralized State: Institutions and Self-Governance in Africa. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
1988 “The Putu Development Association: A Missed Opportunity” in Vincent Ostrom, 1992 David Feeny and Hartmut Picht, eds. Rethinking Institutional Analysis and Development: Issues, Alternatives and Choices, 2d ed. San Francisco: Institute of Contemporary Studies Press.
“The Development of Autocracy in Liberia” in Ostrom, Feeny and Picht, eds. Rethinking Institutional Analysis and Development: Issues, Alternatives and Choices.
1980 “Social Stratification and National Orientations: Students and non-students in Liberia” in John Paden, ed. Values, Identities, and National Integration: Empirical Research in Africa. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
“Social Stratification, Social Change, and Political Socialization: Students and non-students in Liberia” in John Paden, ed., Values, Identities and National Integration: Empirical Research in Africa. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
1979 “Labor in Liberia”, with Dew Tuan-Wleh Mayson. Review of African Political Economy. No. 14
1978 “Imbalances of Educational Opportunities in Liberia”, Liberia Educational Review. Vol. 1. No. 1.
1973 Social Stratification and National Development: A Liberian Case Study, Ph.D. dissertation, Northwestern University.
Research Awards:
2001 Research grant by United States Institute of Peace in support of research project on post-conflict reconstruction in West Africa.
Other Publications:
2005 “Liberating Liberia: Understanding the Nature and Needs of Governance.” Harvard International Review vol. 27(3) (Fall).
2000 Sharing the Kola Nut: Understanding Ethnic Conflicts and Building Peace in Liberia, Monrovia: Center for Democratic Empowerment (with Conmany B. Wesseh and Sam P. Ajavon, Jr.)
1987 Effective Immediately: Dictatorship in Liberia 1980 -1986. A Personal Perspective. 2d ed. Cadier en Keer, The Netherlands: The Africa Center
“The Making of the Liberian Constitution: Major Issues and Dynamic Forces” Liberian Studies Journal vol.12
“Human Rights and Self Governance: The Liberian Experience” (Third Acquino Lecture, Yale Law School, New Haven). Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, 513 North Park, Bloomington, Indiana 47408. (Working Paper W87-4)
1984 Social Institution Profiles, Management Practices and Prospects: A Study of the Liberian Agricultural Sector. Co-authored with Jeanette Carter et. al., Institute for Development Anthropology, Binghamton, New York.
1979 “Small Scale Enterprises in Liberia”, Co-authored with Dew Tuan-Wleh Mayson. The World Bank.
Selected Papers and Lectures:
2006 “The 2005 Elections and the Unfolding Pattern of Political Change in
Liberia.” (Paper presented at Working Conference on “Designing Constitutional Arrangements for Democratic governance in Africa: Challenges and Possibilities,” held at Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, March 30-31.
2004 “Social Capital, Survival Strategies and Their Implications for Post-
Conflict in Liberia” (paper presented at 3rd Quintannual Workshop on
the Workshop Conference, Indiana University, 2-6 June)
May 24, 2002 “Human Rights and Constitutional Dilemma in Africa”
Keynote Address, African Dialogue II, organized by United Nations High Commission for Human Rights and International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Arusha, Tanzania, May 24 – 26, 2002.
Nov. 13, 2001 “Peacemaking and Peace-building: Lessons Learned in Liberia”
Co-Lecturer, Siu Lecture and Symposium,
The International Society for Panetics, Washington, D.C.
October 6, 2001 “Liebenow and the Quest for Democratic Governance
in Africa,” Inaugural Lecture, The J. Gus Liebenow Memorial Lecture
Series, African Studies Program, Indiana University, Bloomington,
June 12, 2001 “Strengthening Africa’s Democratization Agenda to attain Democratic Self-Governance” (Presented at OAU-Civil Society Conference titled Building Partnership for Promoting Peace and Development in Africa, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, June 11-15 2001)
April 27, 2000 “Children, Governance and Development: toward a Framework for Protecting the Rights of West Africa’s Children” (Presented at International Conference On War Affected Children, Accra, Ghana, April 27-29, 2000)
April 17, 2000 “Sustaining Stability through Good Governance” (Paper presented at International Conference on African Civil Society and the Proposal for the Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation in Africa; Lome, Togo, April 17-18, 2000
October 14, 1998 “Elements of an Institutional Approach to Conflict Prevention, Management and Resolution in Africa” (Keynote Address delivered at a Conference on Nature of Conflicts and Policy of Containment of Conflicts in West Africa; Saly, Senegal, October 14 - 18 1998, organized by CODESRIA and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations.
July 23, 1998 “Foundations for Twenty-First Century Liberia: Reconciliation, Democratic Governance and Child-centered Development,” (Presented at the National Conference on the Future of Liberia: Vision 2024, Unity Conference Center, Monrovia, Liberia, July 20 - August 12, 1998).
June 19, 1998 “Foundations for Reconstruction in Liberia: Challenges and Responses” (Keynote Address delivered at Workshop on State Rebuilding in Liberia, organized by the Center for Democracy and Development, London, UK).
November 26, 1996 “Establishing an African Peace Observatory: Some Preliminary Comments.” (Presented at the Follow-up Meeting of the Sub-regional Colloquium on Conflicts Today and a Culture of Peace, organized in Abidjan by the Ivorian National Commission for UNESCO, November 26 - 30, 1996).
November 10, 1996 “Emerging Trends in the Establishment of Democracy in West Africa.” (Presented at the Conference on the Role of Civil Society in the Electoral and Democratic Process in West Africa, organized in Accra, Ghana by the Constitutional Rights Project of Nigeria and the Friedreich Naumann Foundation, Germany, November 10 - 14, 1996).
October 23, 1996 “Reconstituting the Liberian Social Order to Protect and Reintegrate our Children.” (Keynote Address delivered at the Workshop on The Protection and Reintegration of Liberia=s War-affected Children, sponsored by UNICEF and the Inter-Faith Council of Liberia, OAU Conference Center, Monrovia, October 23 - 24, 1996).
November 11, 1995 “Elections Laws and System of Liberia: Possibilities and Constraints for the 1996 Presidential Elections and General Elections.” (Keynote Address at the Liberian National Bar Association sponsored Anniversary Workshop, Monrovia).
June 26, 1995 “Managing the Liberian Conflict”(Presented at a Conference on Conflicts Today and Culture of Peace, sponsored by the Ivorian National Commission for UNESCO, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, June 26 - 30, 1995)
1974 “National Consciousness and Social Stratification in Liberia”. (Presented to the semi-annual conference, Liberia Research Association, Monrovia).