Mutebi Goloba
Job Title
Senior Research Fellow
University of Makerere Institute of Social Research
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
• “Economic Liberalisation & Politics in Uganda”. Chapter in a book (on Economic Liberalisation, Politics & War) edited by Francisco Gutierrez Sanin, Institute of Political Studies & International Relations (IEPRI), National University of Colombia, Bogota.
2008 ‘Politics and Local Government in Uganda’. In Saito, F., ed. Foundations for Local Governance: Decentralization in Comparative Perspective. Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag.
2008 “Collapse, War & Reconstruction in Uganda: An Analytical Narrative on State-Making”. Working Paper No. 27. Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics & Political Science.
2008 “Collapse, War & Reconstruction in Rwanda: An Analytical Narrative on State-Making”. Working Paper No. 28. Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science.
2007 ‘Shopping for Health: Affliction and Response in a South African Village’. African Sociological Review, Volume 11, No.2, pp.64-79.
2007 ‘Confronting HIV/AIDS in a South African Village: The Impact of Health-Seeking Behaviour’. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Vol. 35. Issue S69, pp.175-180, August.
2007 ‘Uganda in 2005: Political, Economic and Social Trends’. In Charton, H & C. Médard, eds. L’Afrique Orientale: Annuaire 2005. Paris: L’Harmattan.
2006 with Gabi Hesselbein & James Putzel “Economic and Political Foundations of State Making in Africa: Understanding State Reconstruction”. Working Paper No. 3Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science.
2005 ‘Witchcraft, Social Cohesion and Participation in a South African Village’. Development and Change 36(5): 937-958, September.
2005 ‘When Popular Participation Won’t Improve Service Provision: Primary Health Care in Uganda. Development Policy Review 23(2):165-182, March.
2004 “Re-assessing Popular Participation in Uganda”. Public Administration and Development, Vol. 24, Issue 4: 289-304, October.
2004 “Confronting uncertainty and responding to adversity: Mozambican war refugees in Limpopo Province, South Africa”. New Issues in Refugee Research, Working Paper No. 105. Geneva: UNHCR. (Publications -
2004. “Survival to livelihood strategies for Mozambican refugees in South Africa”. Forced Migration Review 20: 28-29, May.
2004 “Witchcraft, Trust and Reciprocity among Mozambican Refugees and the South African Hosts in a Lowveld Village”. Forced Migration Working Paper series #9. Forced Migration Studies Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg –
2003 “Devolution and Outsourcing of Municipal Services in Kampala City, Uganda: An Early Assessment”. Forthcoming, Public Administration and Development 23, 1-14.
2003 with Stone, S & Thin, N. “Rwanda” In Theme Issue: Are PRSPs Making a Difference? The African Experience. Development Policy Review, Vol. 21, No.2, March.
2002 “Local Councils as Political and Service Delivery Organs: Limits to Transformation”. In Nakanyike B. Musisi &Cole P. Dodge, eds. Transformations in Uganda. Washington: MISR and Curny Centre.
2002 with Lwanga-Ntale, C & Awori, T. “Civic Participation in Municipal Governance: A Uganda Case Study”. Municipal Development Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa, Harare. Mimeo.
2001 with Michael Hubbard & Paul Jackson. ‘How Local Government can stimulate the Rural Non-farm Economy in Uganda’. Research Studies on Policy Development for the Rural Non-farm Economy. Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich for DFID and World Bank.
2000 ‘Rakai District Development Programme: Tracing the Benefits of Specific Programme Activities’. Copenhagen: Danish International Development Agency.
1994 'Rapid Economic Change: Social and Cultural Consequences in East and Southeast Asia'. Briefing Paper, Catholic Institute for International Relations. CIIR Publications, London, UK.
2007 ‘Politics and Social Protection in Uganda’. Background paper prepared as part of the “Cash Transfer Pilot for Uganda” design process, The Social Protection Task Force (Ministry of Gender, Labour & Social Protection), April.
2007 with D. Cammack, F., Kanyangolo & T. O’Neil, ‘Neopatrimonial politics, decentralisation and local government: Uganda and Malawi, 2006’. Work Package 2: Advisory Board of Irish Aid. Politics & Governance, Poverty and Public Policy Group, Overseas Development Institute, London, December.
2006 ‘Training Programmes and Capacity Building Service Providers for Local Human Resources in Uganda’. Report prepared for the LORC, Ryukoku University, Japan. May (
2005 ‘Traditional Authorities in South Sudan: Chieftainship in the Bahr el Ghazal Region’. United Nations Development Programme, South Sudan Sub-Office, Nairobi, March.
2000 ‘Decentralisation, Democracy and Development Administration in Uganda, 1986-1996: Limits to Popular Participation’. Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, University of London.
2000 ‘Civic Participation in Municipal Governance in Uganda’. Municipal Development. Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa. Harare. Mimeo.
1999 'Popular Participation as a Service Delivery Strategy: A Review of Uganda's Experience'. Makerere Institute of Social Research.
1999 'Providing Rural Health Care Services in Uganda: Successes and Failures of Popular Participation'.
Makerere Institute of Social Research.
1999 ‘Aid Delivery in the Forest Sector: A Uganda Country Case Study’. Report prepared for the Forest and Environment Group, Overseas Development Institute, London.
1998 'Mainstreaming Poverty Reduction in Luxembourg's Bilateral Aid Programme'. Overseas Development Institute, mimeo. Also:
1998 'Mainstreaming Poverty Reduction in Australia's Bilateral Aid Programme'. Overseas Development Institute, UK. Mimeo.
1998 (with Aidan Cox) ‘UK Technical Co-operation with Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy and Practice'. Study prepared for the Japanese International Co-operation Agency [JICA], Overseas Development Institute, UK.
1994 'Urban Residence in the Third World: A Profile of City and Town Dwellers and their Social Networks'. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK. Mimeo.
1993 'Structural Adjustment Policies and Agriculture in Uganda: Analysing the Constraints to Reform and the Prospects for Creating an Independent, Integrated, and Self-sustaining Economy'. Masters dissertation, London School of Economics.
2003 Best Practices in Poverty Reduction: An Analytical Framework. By Else Øyen et al. London: Zed Books, 2002. 158pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 21, No.5-6, September/November.
2003 Can the Poor Influence Policy? Participatory Poverty Assessments in the Developing World. By Caroline M. Robb. 2end edn. Washington, DC: World Bank, 2002. 218pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol.21, No. 5-6, September/November.
2003 Efficiency, Accountability and Implementation: Public Sector Reform in East and Southern Africa. By Ole Therkildsen. Democracy, Governance and Human Rights Paper No.3. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2001. 61pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 21, No. 5-6, September/November. See also (Reviews : News & views).
2003 The Selfish Altruist: Relief Work in Famine and War. By Tony Vaux. London and Sterling, VA: Earthscan Publications., 2001. 256pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol.21, No. 4, July.
2002 Public Services through Private Enterprise: Micro-Privatisation for Improved Delivery. By Malcom Harper. London: Intermediate Technology Publications Ltd., 2000. 370pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No.1, March.
2002 Learning and Livelihoods: The Experience of the FSIPM Project in Southern Malawi. By A. Orr, B. Mwale, J.M. Ritchie, J. Lawson-MsDowall and C.S.M. Chanika. Chatham: Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, 2000. 64pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol.20, No.2, March.
2002 A Future for the Excluded – Job Creation and the Poor: Clodomir Santos de Morais and the Organisation Workshop. Edited by Raff Carmen & Miguel Sobrado. London and New York: Zed Books. 223 pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No.3, July.
2002 Escape from Domination in Africa: Political Disengagement and its Consequences. By Bruce Baker. Oxford: James Currey & Trenton, New Jersey: Africa World Press. 232 pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No.5, November.
2002 Sustainable Livelihoods: Building on the Wealth of the Poor. By Kristin Helmore and Naresh Singh. Bloomfield, CT: Kumarian Press. Inc. 129pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No. 5, November.
2002 Among the Pastoral Afar in Ethiopia: Tradition, Continuity and Socio-Economic Change. By Kassa Negussie Getachew. Utrecht: International Books in association with OSSREA, 2001. 205pp. In Development Policy Review, Vol. 20, No. 5, November.
2008 ‘Economic Liberalisation and Violent Conflict in Uganda’. Paper presented at the ‘Liberalisation, Globalisation and War’ seminar, Ceri-Sciences Po & Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, 5-6 February.
2007 ‘Drivers of Change in Rwanda’. Paper presented at the Chronic Poverty Research Centre’s Management Team meeting. Overseas Development Institute, London, September.
2007 “Taking Neo-patrimonialism seriously in aid relationships”. Address to the Annual Development Forum of the Advisory Board for Irish Aid (ABIA). Coach House, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland, October 24.
2007 ‘Chiefs, Politicians, and the Community in Uganda: A Historico-Analytical Narrative’. Paper presented at the 4th National Annual Local Government Conference, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Southern Sun-Elangeni), Durban, South Africa, July 30-31.
2007 ‘Home and Away: the Divided Lives of Mozambican Refugees in South Africa’s Lowveld Region’. Post-Apartheid: Ethnographies of the South African Transition panel. AEGIS European Conference on African Studies, African Studies Centre, Leiden, The Netherlands, 11-14 July.
2007 ‘Economic Liberalisation and Politics in Uganda’. Paper presented at the ‘Liberalisation, Globalisation and War’ Seminar, CERI-Sciences Po & Université Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris. 2-4 June.
2007 ‘Politics and Social Protection: The Uganda Context’. Social Protection Workshop, Social Protection Task Force, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Imperial Resort Beach Hotel, May 15th-17th.
2007 ‘Analytical narratives of crisis, war and state collapse in Rwanda and Uganda’. Development as State Making workshop. Crisis States Research Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science. March 22-23
2005 ‘Decentralisation, Local Government and the Politics of Constitutional Amendment in Uganda’. Presentation at the policy design working group workshop on ‘designing policy for sustainable local community’. Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan, 24-26 June.
2005 ‘Implications of Health-seeking Behaviour for HIV/AIDS Control and Well-being of HIV/AIDS Sufferers’. Paper presented at the Agincourt Scientific Roundtable, Agincourt Health & Population Research Unit, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, Wits Rural Facility (WRF), Limpopo Province, South Africa. June 15th – 17th.
2005 ‘Ethical Issues in Social Science Research: Personal Reflections. Presentation at the Agincourt Scientific Roundtable, Agincourt Health & Population Research Unit, School of Public Health, University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg. Wits Rural Facility (WRF), Limpopo Province, South Africa, June 15th – 17th.
2004 ‘Home and Away: The Divided Lives of Mozambican Refugees in South Africa’s Lowveld Region’. Paper presented at the European Association of Social Anthropologists 8th Biennial Conference, University of Vienna, Austria. 8-12 September.
2004 ‘Shopping for Health: Affliction and Response in a South African Village’. Paper presented at:
2000 ‘Re-assessing Participation in Uganda’. Paper presented at an International Conference to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Development Studies Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK., 7th – 8th September.
2000 ‘Holding Public Officials to Account through Popular Participation: A Uganda Case Study’. Paper presented at an international Alumni Conference to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Development Studies Institute, London School of Economics and Political science, UK, 9th September.
2000 ‘Local Councils as Political and Service Delivery Organs: Limits to Transformation’. Paper presented for the “Transformations in Uganda” workshop organised by Makerere Institute of Social Research, Uganda & the Africa Initiative Centre for Study of Societies in Transition, Kenya. Nile Resort Hotel, Jinja, Uganda, 2nd-4th May.
1999 ‘Civic Participation in Municipal Governance: Indications from Soroti Municipality’. Paper presented at the Makerere Institute of Social Research, October.
1999 'Failures and Successes of Local Councils in Uganda'. Paper presented at the Uganda Review Workshop, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, March.
1998 'The Dynamics of Local Democracy in Uganda'. Paper presented at the Seminar on Multiculturalism and the State, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London, February.
1997 'Why Popular Participation Won't Deliver: Primary Education and Health Care Provision in Mukono and Rakai Districts, Uganda'. Paper presented at the Graduate Research Seminar, Development Studies Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, September.
1997 'Decentralisation and Service Delivery in Mukono and Rakai Districts'. Paper presented at the
Makerere Institute of Social Research, Makerere University, Uganda, August.
1995 'Power to the People? A Study of Administrative Reform and the Re-emergence of Participatory Politics in Uganda'. Research Proposal presented to the Graduate Seminar, Development Studies Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science, March.
Articles and features in newspapers and specialist magazines
2007 “Il Nuovo Rwanda ha Tirato a Lucido la Sua Capitale”. Vita (Italian non-profit sector magazine), No. 32/33, August.
2007 “Local Government in Uganda”. Local Government Bulletin (Magazine of the Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape, South Africa), September/October.