Mahandhar Sumitram
Job Title
Independent Development Consultant
National Coalition against Racial Discrimination (NCARD)
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
• "Beyond the Myth of Eco-Crisis in Nepal: Local Responses to Pressure on Land in Nepal - A Study of Kakani in the Middle Hills" published by Mandala Bookpoint, Kathmandu based on doctoral dissertation, May 2007.
• “Social Development And Gender Strategy For Protected Areas In Afghanistan” report submitted to ADB, Afghanistan, Dec 2005, published in Dari and Afghan language 2006..
• UnequalCitizens: Gender, Caste and Ethnic Exclusions in Nepal contribution on “Groups and Group-Based Organisations” with Biggs, S and Messerschmidt, D, published by World bank and DFID Nepal, Jan 2006.
• The Changing Face of Jumla: Breakthroughs and Achievements in a Decade of Participatory Process – 1992 to 2003 with A Manandhar and J. Khadka published by CSD, Jan 2006.
• “Humla Context Analysis : A Strategic Framework for Development and Peace” report based on the field assessment of Karnali prepared with Kuelen, Alexander, Manandhar submitted to SNV Nepal, April 2006.
• With Biggs, S and Messerschmidt, D, 2005, “An Exploratory Study of Gender, Social Inclusion and Empowerment through Development Groups and Group-Based Organisations in Nepal: Building on the Positive. Report submitted to the Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment (GSEA) Study, National Planning Commission, World Bank and DFID, Kathmandu (Version 2, March 2005).
•‘Rapid/Participatory Appraisal: Livelihood And Need Assessment Study Of Highly Marginalized Janajatis’ (Indigenous Peoples), prepared with Bhattachan, Gurung, Kayestha, Kirat and Yonzan published by NEFIN in support of DFID, Feb 2005.
•“Humla Context Analysis : A Strategic Framework for Development and Peace” report based on the field assessment of Karnali prepared with Kuelen, Alexander, Manandhar submitted to SNV Nepal, April 2006.
•With Biggs, S and Messerschmidt, D, 2005, “An Exploratory Study of Gender, Social Inclusion and Empowerment through Development Groups and Group-Based Organisations in Nepal: Building on the Positive”. Report submitted to the Gender and Social Exclusion Assessment (GSEA) Study, National Planning Commission, World Bank and DFID, Kathmandu (Version 2, March 2005).
•“Rapid Appraisal On Livelihood Analysis And Need Assessment Of Highly Marginalized Janajatis (HMJ)” with Bhattachan, KB, Gurung, O, Kayestha, N, Kirant, J, and Tamang, AY submitted to Janjati Empowerment Project (JEP), Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) supported by DFID, Lalitpur, Nepal, November 2005.
• "A Gendered Analysis of the Political Struggle for Recognition of Indigenous Nationalities in Nepal” in CONFERENCE REPORT 2004 Forum for Development Cooperation with Indigenous Peoples ‘Indigenous Rights and Genderd Representations’ University of Tromso, Centre for Sami Studies, Norway, 2004.
•“Social Inclusion and Conflict in Karnali: a Case” Prepared and presented with Ananta Pokhrel in Humla at the Seminar organised by SNV, October 5, 2004.
•“Changing Status of Women in Jumla” Paper presented with A.Manandhar, J.BKhadka and R. Pachhai at the International Conference on Women in Science and Technology for Poverty Alleviation, March 31- April 2, 2003, Kathmandu.
•“Biological Diversity and Indigenous Institutions” in The Himalayan Review Nepal, (forthcoming issue) 2004.
•Prepared Report on the Regional Workshop on “Water- Induced Disasters in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region” organised by ICIMOD and PDMP/UNDP supported by Japan Women Development Fund/UNDP, held in Kathmandu Dec 11-14, 2001.
•Facilitated and Prepared status paper on the issues of discriminations (Women, Trafficking, Indigenous, Dalits, Bonded Labor, Language, Religion, Refugees and Gurkhas) for World Conference Against Racial Discrimination
•Presented Paper on “ Women Amidst Disasters” in the Regional Workshop on “Water- Induced Disasters in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region, organised by ICIMOD and PDMP/UNDP held in Kathmandu, Dec 11-14, 2001.
•“The Effort of NGO Movement for Sustainable Development” main paper presented in the 10th Anniversary and 8th Annual Meeting of NGO Federation held at the Staff College, Lalitpur, held on November 21-23, 2001.
•"Report Card Testing on Civil Society's Participation for Urban Good Governance" sponsored by UNDP/UNOPS, presented in Tripartite Review Meeting and High Level Regional Meeting on Istanbul + 5 in Hangzhou, China, October 19-24, 2000.
•“Managing Minds, Managing People in Development Initiatives” in Seminar: Century 21, Managing Development Initiatives In “The South’s Search for Strategies and Approaches to Managing Development Initiatives” published by Organisation Development Centre (ODC), at Hotel Yak & Yeti, September 13, 2000.
•Participant in "Urbanization and Urban Good Governance" Organized by TUGI/UNDP at SAARC Secretariat, Nepal from July 10-12, 2000.
•“Rural Development and Watershed Management Project Review” Nepal Watershed Rehabilitation and Management Project (TA3121-NEP), ADB. May 2000.
•"Women, Natural Resource Management and the New Global System in Nepal". Paper co-authored with Melody Kemp presented in the seminar Globalisation and Gender: Possible Role of Women in the Nepalese Economy organised by CEDA Tribhuvan University, Nepal and Frederick Ebert Stiftung, Germany, October 5-6, 1999 (forthcoming).
•“Women’s Empowerment and Education: Case from Nepal” in Journal of Asian Women’s Studies Vol 6&7, 1999, Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women. pp 169-178.
•"Geographic Information System (GIS) Application in PLAN: Practical Method for Monitoring Program and Impacts" Submitted to PLAN International, Nepal, August 1998.
•“Voices of Children on Child Rights: Children’s Convention as a Method of Advocacy and Solidarity” submitted to PLAN International, Feb 1998.
•“Girl Child Ecology: Addressing the Unaddressed by PLAN International" Panel presentation in Investing on the Girl Child at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing, China, Aug. 30 - Sept 15, 1995.
•“Gender Dimension of Eco-crisis and Resource Management in Nepal" in The Anthropology of Nepal: People, Problems and Processes ed. by Michael Allen Paper presented at the International Conference in held in Kathmandu, Sept. 7 - 14, 1993.
•"Role of Women in Fuelwood, Fodder and Forest Management" Review Paper prepared with G.R. Shrestha for Seminar/Training Workshop on "Women in Water and Energy Development in Nepal" held in Kathmandu, Nov. 17-19, 1992.
•"Interrelation between Women and Urbanisation in Kathmandu" paper presented at the International Symposium "From Town to City and Beyond" organised by Goethe Institute and South Asia Institute of Heidelberg, held in Kathmandu, Oct. 28-31, 1992.
•“Human Perception of Land Hazards in Kakani, Kathmandu: Experiences from the Middle Hills Nepal” in Mountain Research and Development Volume 9, No. 4, November 1989.
•“Women in the Mountains” International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) Workshop Report No. 7, 1989.
•"Women in Mountain Resource Management". Paper presented at the workshop in "Women, Development and Mountain Resources: Approaches to Internalising Gender Perspectives" at International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal November 21-24, 1988.
•Paper Presented at the Regional Workshop on Housing Actions Towards Shelter in Asia and The Pacific on the Occasion of the International Year of Shelter for the Homeless and the Twentieth Anniversary of the Papua New Guinea University of Technology, Lae Papua New Guinea. September 19-22, 1987.
•"Mountain Hazards in Kakani-Kathmandu Area: Perceptions and Responses of the Local people". Paper presented at the UNU/ Nepal National MAB Committee's Workshop on Mountain Hazards Mapping, Highland-Lowland Interactive Systems. (An evaluation of research in the Kathmandu-Kakani Area). Kathmandu, Nepal, October 28-November 1, 1983.
•"Environmental Knowledge and Response to Natural Hazards in Mountainous Nepal". Co-author with Kirsten Johnson and Annie Olsen in Mountain Research and Development, 2 (2) 1982