Renata Segura
Job Title
Associate Director
Social Science Research Council
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
“Opening Up Political Space: Inclusion and Constitutio-Making in the Andes”. Co-written wih Ana María Bejarano. Paper presented at the conference on “Globalization, Diversity and Inequality in Latin America: The Challenges, Opportunities and Dangers”, hosted by the Center for Latin American Studies, Pittsburgh University, March 23-24, 2007.
“The Politics of Constitution Making in Colombia and Ecuador: Struggles for Recognition and Redistribution”. Paper presented at the Latin America History, Economy and Culture Workshop, hosted by New York University, November 6 2006.
“Participation and Representation: Divergent or complementary forms of
Inclusion? Evidence from the new Andean Constitutions”
Co-written wih Ana María Bejarano. Paper Presented at the XXVI International Congress
of the Latin American Studies Association, March 15-18, 2006, San Juan, Puerto Rico
“National Constituent Assemblies in Colombia and Ecuador: in Search for the Lost Inclusion”. Paper presented at the 2005 Spring Conference of the Janey program for Latin American Studies, Diversity and Disadvantage in Latin America: The Consequences of Difference for Democratic Politics. NY, April 15 2005.
“Constitution-making in the Andes as an expression of civil society’s search for justice”.
Paper presented at the Latin American Studies Association, October 7-9 2004, Las Vegas.
“Transforming Politics into Constitutions: The Politics of Constitution Making in Latin America”. Co-written wih Ana María Bejarano. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association, September 2-5 2004, Chicago.
“Ni una asamblea más sin nosotros. Exclusion, Inclusion and the Politics of Constitution-Making in the Andes”. Co-written wih Ana María Bejarano. Constellations, Vol. II, Issue 2, June 2004. Pp 217-236. (Originally presented at the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, August 28-31, 2003.)
“Reform, decentralization and political violence in Colombia”. Paper presented at the Columbia University Graduate Student Conference on Twentieth-Century Latin America. March 1, 2003, New York.
“Examining the military from the local sphere”. Co-written with Aleida Ferreyra. Latin American Perspectives, Issue 111, Vol. 27, Number 2. March 2000.
“The role of the NGOs in the strengthening of civil society” Co-written with Ingrid Bolivar and Adriana Posada, in Controversia, No 170. Bogotá, May 1997. (Published in Spanish)
“The selective strengthening of the state during the Frente Nacional”. Co-written with Ana Maria Bejarano, in Controversia, No. 169. Bogotá, Nov. 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“Civil society and the redefinition of the public sphere”. Co-written with Margarita Bonamusa and Rodrigo Villar, in Colombia Internacional, No. 34 Universidad de los Andes, Bogota, April-June 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“Nothing happened here”. In Cien Días, Vol. 8, No 35. October- December 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“Equilibrium in the tight rope”. In Cien Días, Vol. 8, No 33. April-June 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“De Dimes y Diretes”. In Cien Días, Vol. 8, No. 32. January-April 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“Colombia in Crisis”. In SIC, Caracas, Venezuela. LIX, No. 583, April 1996. (Published in Spanish)
“Colombia in Crisis”. In Qué hacer, Centro de Estudios y Promoción del Desarrollo DESCO, Lima, Peru. No. 99, May 1996 (Published in Spanish)