Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
Job Title
Executive Director
Centre for Policy Alternatives
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
The Sri Lankan Peace Process at Crossroads: Lessons, Opportunities and Ideas for
Principled Negotiations & Conflict Transformation, co-authored with Tyrol Ferdinands, Kumar
Rupesinghe, Jayadeva Uyangoda and Norbert Ropers. January 2004.
“Sri Lanka: the best and last chance for Peace ?” in Conflict, Security and Development Journal, April 2003, published by the International Policy Institute, London, UK.
“The Peace Process in Sri Lanka: How Difficult, How Different?” in Terrorism in South Asia edited by Sridhar Khatri and Gert Kueck, published by Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2003.
“Building Cooperative Peace” in Reshaping Asian Security edited by Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, published by Knowledge World in association with the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA) Delhi, 2001.
“Governance in Plural Societies: : Sri Lanka” in Security & Governance in South Asia, edited by P.R.Chari, published by the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies, Colombo, Manohar Press, 2001.
“Sri Lanka in 1999” in Asian Survey, Vol XL, No 1, January/February 2000, A Bimonthly Review of Contemporary Asian Affairs, University of California Press.
"Sri Lanka: The Intractability of Ethnic Conflict" in The Management of Peace Processes, edited by John Darby and Roger Mac Ginty (Macmillan Press and St.Martin's Press, LLC, 2000).
"Sri Lanka: Civil Society, the Nation and the State -building Challenge" in Civil Society and the Aid Industry edited by Alison Van Rooy ( The North -South Institute, Canada, Earthscan Publications Ltd, London 1998).
“Regionalism in the Context of Evolving Global Transformation” in Regional Co-operation and Integration: Perspectives from Europe and South Asia , 1998, Published by the Delegation of the European Commission to Sri Lanka.
" Prospects for Liberalism in South Asia" in Liberal Values for South Asia edited by Rajiva Wijesinha ( Council for Liberal Democracy, Sri Lanka 1997).
" Safeguarding Minority Communities in South Asia " in L.L Mehrotra, H.S. Chopra and Gert W. Kueck, SAARC 2000 and Beyond ( Omega Scientific Publishers, New Delhi ) 1995 .
" Domestic Conflict in Sri Lanka and its Regional Implications" presented at the Conference on South Asian Security, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, November 1995. Organized by Queen's University Centre for International Relations in cooperation with the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi, India and The Islamabad Institute for Strategic Studies, Pakistan at the initiative of the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada and The Canadian International Development Agency. The conference proceedings have been published by the Centre for International Relations, Queen's University in 1996 as Regional Security in South Asia edited by David M.Law, Martello Papers, No 13.
" The Case for Federalism in Sri Lanka " co-authored with Rohan Edrisinha. Published in the English language newspapers in Sri Lanka and the Journal of the Law and Society Trust, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1995. Also published in Essays on Constitutional Reform ed by Jayadeva Uyangoda and Rohan Edrisinha, ( Centre for Policy Research and Analysis, University of Colombo, 1995).
"Building and Strengthening Confidence and Security in South Asia" presented as a paper at the United Nations Symposium on Regional Approaches to Confidence and Security Building Measures, organised by the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs and the Government of Austria, Graz, Austria, June 1993. The proceedings were published by the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, Geneva, Switzerland in 1994.
"Regional Initiatives for Confidence Building" in Papers of the South Asia, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Non - Proliferation Seminar , organised by the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies, Southampton, UK and the Bandaranaike Centre for International Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, in Kandy, Sri Lanka in November 1993. Papers published by the Mountbatten Centre in 1994.
" Minorities in South Asia " International Consultation on Minority Protection , International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, (1993).
" Environment, Development, Security " in Environmental Politics, Special Issue: The Post UNCED Agenda, (1993), edited by Caroline Thomas. This was subsequently reproduced as Rio: Unravelling the Consequences , ( Frank Cass and Co, Ltd, UK ), 1994, edited by Caroline Thomas.
" South Asia: The Ganges and the Brahmaputra " in C.Thomas and D.Howlett (eds) Resource Politics: Freshwater and Regional Relations (Open University Press, London ) 1993.
" Instability in Sri Lanka " in Survival, Sept/Oct 1990, International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, UK.
" The Superpowers and Southeast Asia " in Roy Allison and Phil Williams (eds) Superpower Competition and Crisis Prevention in the Third World , (Cambridge University Press, 1990 ).
" Nationbuilding, the Presidency and the Institutional Form of the Sri Lankan State " in C. Amaratunga (ed) Ideas for Constitutional Reform , (Council for Liberal Democracy, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1989 ).
The State and Instability in the South , ( Macmillan, UK, 1989 ). Co-edited with Caroline Thomas.
Conflict and Consensus in South/North Security , (Cambridge University Press, 1989). Co-edited with Caroline Thomas.
Review articles for Third World Quarterly , International Affairs ( Publication of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, London, UK ) and The Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, London.