Job Title
University of Cape Town
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Ntsebeza, L. 2005. Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the Politics of Land in South Africa. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers.
Ntsebeza, L. 2006. Democracy Compromised: Chiefs and the Politics of Land in South Africa. (African Edition) HSRC Press, Cape Town
Ntsebeza, L. with Ruth Hall (eds.). 2007. The Land Question in South Africa: the Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution. Cape Town: HSRC Press.
Peer-reviewed Journal articles
Hendricks F and Ntsebeza L (1999). “Chiefs and rural local government in post-apartheid South Africa.”, in African Journal of Political Science (New Series), Vol 4, No 1, June, pg 99- 126.
Ntsebeza L (1999). “Democratisation and traditional authority in the new South Africa.” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and Middle East, X1X, 1. Pg 83-94.
Ntsebeza, L. 2003. Land Rights and Democratisation: rural tenure reform in South Africa’s former Bantustans. Transformation, pg 68- 95
Ntsebeza, L. 2004. Democratic Decentralisation and Traditional Authority: Dilemmas of Land Administration in Rural South Africa. European Journal of Development Research, Vol. 16 (1), Spring, pg 71-89
Ntsebeza, L. 2007. Land-Reform Politics in South Africa’s Countryside. Peace Review, 19:1, 33-41.
Book chapters
Ntsebeza L (2000). “Traditional Authorities, local government and land rights”, in Cousins, B. (ed). At the crossroads: Land and Agrarian Reform in South Africa into the 21st Century. Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape and National Land Committee, Johannesburg. pg 280-305
Ntsebeza L (2001) “Rural development and traditional authorities” Coetzee J, Graaff J, Hendricks F and Wood G (eds). Development: Theories, Policies and Practice. Oxford University Press. Pg 317-330
Ntsebeza L, 2003. “Traditional Authorities, Local Government and Land Rights”, in Ray, D.I. and Reddy, P.S. (eds.) Grassroots Governance?: Chiefs in Africa and the Afro-Caribean, Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 173- 227
Ntsebeza L, with Matoti, S. 2004. Rural resistance in Mpondoland and Thembuland, 1960-1963. In SADET. The road to Democracy in South Africa, Vol 1 (1960-1970) ZEBRA and Struik Publishers. pg 755- 782
Ntsebeza, L. 2004. Reconciliation and Reparations in post-1994 South Africa: What role for land? In Erik Doxtader and Charles Villa-Vicencio (eds). Repairing the Irreparable: Reparations and Reconstruction in South Africa. Cape Town: David Philip. Pg 197- 210
Ntsebeza, L. 2005. Rural governance and citizenship in post-apartheid South Africa: democracy compromised? In Daniel, J. Southall, R. and Lutchman, J (eds.). The State of the Nation: South Africa 2004-2005. Cape Town: HSRC Press and Michigan State University Press. pg 58- 85
Ntsebeza, L. 2005. Democratic Decentralisation and Traditional Authority: Dilemmas of Land Administration in Rural South Africa. In Ribot, J and Larson, A.M. (eds.). Democratic Decentralisation through a Natural Resource Lens: experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. London: Routlege. Pg 71-89
Ntsebeza, L. 2005. Land Tenure Reform in South Africa: a focus on the Moravian Church Land in the Western Cape. In Wels, H. and Spierenburg, M. (eds.). Competing Jurisdictions: Settling Land Claims in Africa and Madagascar. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers. Pg 55-77
Ntsebeza, L. 2006. Slow Delivery in South Africa’s Land Reform Programme: the property clause revisited. In Amanda Alexander (ed.). Articulations: A Harold Wolpe Memorial Lecture Collection. Trenton and Asmara: Africa World Press Inc. pg 77- 87
Ntsebeza, L. 2006. Rural Development in South Africa: tensions between democracy and traditional authority. In Padayachee, V. (ed). The development decade?: economic and social change in South Africa, 1994-2004. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Pg 444- 460
Ntsebeza, L With Luvuyo Wotshela, Thembela Kepe, Sukude Matoti and Andrew Ainslie. 2006. Resistance and Repression in the Bantustans: Transkei and Ciskei. In SADET. The Road to Democracy in South Africa: Volume 2 (19780 – 1980). Pretoria: Unisa Press. 177-209
Ntsebeza, L. 2007. Land Redistribution in South Africa: the Property Clause revisited. In Lungisile Ntsebeza and Ruth Hall, The Land Question in South Africa: the Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution. Cape Town: HSRC Press. Pg 107-132
Ntsebeza, L. 2007 with Ruth Hall. 2007. Introduction. In Lungisile Ntsebeza and Ruth Hall, The Land Question in South Africa: the Challenge of Transformation and Redistribution. Cape Town: HSRC Press.107-132
Peer-reviewed Research reports and Occassional Papers
Ntsebeza L (1999). “Land Tenure Reform, Traditional Authorities and Rural Local Government in Post-apartheid South Africa” Research Report No. 3, Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, University of the Western Cape.
Ntsebeza L (1999). “Land Tenure Reform in South Africa: An example from the Eastern Cape Province.” Issue Paper no. 82, International Institute of Environment and Development.
Ntsebeza L (2001). “Land allocation in South Africa’s former Bantustans with specific reference to the role of traditional authorities”, research paper prepared for the MWENGO Land Project based in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Ntsebeza L. (2002). Cattle production in Xhalanga district, in Ainslie A. (ed). Cattle ownership and production in the communal areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Research report no. 10. Cape Town: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, April. Pg 1-33
Ntsebeza L (2002). Decentralisation and natural resource management in rural South Africa: Problems and prospects. Occassional Paper No. 22. Cape Town: Programme for Land and Agrarian Studies, May. (Paper originally presented to a workshop in Bellagio, Italy between 18-22 February 2002. pg 1-15
Ntsebeza, L. 2003. Local Government, Power and Natural Resources: a perspective from the Rural Areas of South Africa’s former Bantustans”. Environmental Governance in Africa Working Paper 14, Washington, D.C.: World Resources Institute. Pg 1- 10
Ntsebeza, L. 2004. Rural and Agrarian Studies since 1994. In Fred Hendricks (ed.). The Social Sciences in South Africa Since 1994: disciplinary and transdisciplinary areas of study. AISA Research Paper No. 74. Pretoria: Africa Institute of South Africa. Pp 27-35.
With S. Afif, N. Fauzi, G, Hart & N. Peluso). 2005. “Redefining Agrarian Power: Resurgent Agrarian Movements in West Java, Indonesia," University of California, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, September
Advocacy journals
Ntsebeza L (2000). “Indirect rule may well continue” Land and Rural Digest, No. 15, March/April.
Ntsebeza L with Kepe T and Pithers L)(2000). “The impact of the Spatial Development Initiatives (SDIs) on Rural Livelihoods: A case study of the Wild Coast SDI”. Paper prepared for the National Land Committee.
Ntsebeza L (2000) “Traditional Authorities Rule”, in Land and Rural Digest, No. 15, November/December
Ntsebeza L with Kepe T and Pithers L (2001). “Agro-tourism Spatial Development Initiatives in South Africa: are they enhancing rural livelihoods?”, in ODI Natural Resource Perspectives, number 65, March.
Ntsebeza L. (2003). Democracy in South Africa’s countryside: Is there a role for traditional authorities?”, in Development Update, Vol. 4, No. 1.