Joakim Gundel
Job Title
Consultant and Researcher
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Post-Script: Studying the state formation processes in Somalia, by Abdulkadir O. Farah and Joakim Gundel, in Somalia: Diaspora and State Reconstitution in the Horn of Africa, Abdulkadir Osman Farah; Mammo Muchie and Joakim Gundel (eds.), Adonis-Abbey, London, April 2007
Somalia: Diaspora and State Reconstitution in the Horn of Africa, by Abdulkadir Osman Farah, Mammo Muchie and Joakim Gundel (eds.), Adonis-Abbey, London, April 2007
The Predicament of the ‘Oday’: The role of traditional structures in security,rights, law and development in Somalia, Danish Refugee Council and Novib/Oxfam, Nairobi, November 2006
Humanitarian action in the new security environment: Policy and operational implications. Somalia and Somaliland background paper, Forthcoming on the website of the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG), ODI London, September, 2006
Discussion Note with Proposals and Suggestions for a participatory methodological approach to the United Nations and World Bank Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) for Somalia, by Prof. Richard Ford, Shukri Omar Abdillahi and Joakim Gundel, October 2005
Danish Assistance to Somalia, Funded via the Areas of Origin Programme, Final Review Report, Danida and PEM Consult, May 2005
Violence and Humanitarian Aid in Southern and Central Somalia, in War Destroys, Peace Nurtures: Somali Reconciliation and Development, Richard Ford; Hussein M. Adam and Edna Adan Ismail (eds.), The Red Sea Press, Lawrenceville and Asmara, 2004
’Hjælp til de stærkeste = hjælp til selvhjælp?, book review of ’Hjælp’ by Hjalte Tin in , Politologiske Studier, 6 årgang, nr.3, Institut for Statskundskab, København 2003
‘Dagsorden for Fred’: Bistand og væbnede konflikter, in ‘Nye Prioriteter I Bistanden’, Den Ny Verden, 36: 1, 203, pp. 115-27, København 2003
The migration-development nexus : Somalia case study, in The Migration-Development Nexus. Nick Van Hear; Ninna Nyberg-Sørensen (eds.), Geneva: International Organi¬sation for Migration and United Nations, 2003
Assisting structures of violence? : humanitarian assistance in the Somali conflict, chapter 8 (pp.163-183) in Shadow globalization, ethnic conflicts and new wars: a political economy of intra-state war. Dietrich Jung (ed.). London: Routledge, 2003
Humanitarianism and spoils politics in Somalia, chapter 8 (pp.134-156) in Eroding local capacity: international humanitarian action in Africa. Monika Kathina Juma & Astri Suhrke (eds.). Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2002
Diaspora als Entwicklungsstoff : mit ihren Geldüberweisungen fördern ausgewanderte Somalier die Entwicklung daheim, in Der Überblick – Zeitschrift für ökumenische Begegnung under internationale Zusammenarbeit , 38 :3, 2002, pp.21-26
Book review of Peace building as politics: cultivating peace in fragile societies. edited by Elizabeth M. Cousens and Chetan Kumar, with Karin Wermester. A project fo the International Peace Academy. Boulder / London. Lynne Rienner, 2001., in Journal of Refugee Studies , 15 :3, 2002, pp.334-335
Byggestensmodellen i Somalia : lokale og internationale drivkræfter bag statsdannelse, Den Ny Verden , 33 :4, 2000, pp.99-121
Case Study for the Evaluation of Sida Projects on Conflict Management and Peacebuilding. The Liberian Cases: STAR Radio and Bridges to Peace, Annex 3 in Ivar Evensmo ; Hilde Henriksen Waage ; Joakim Gundel [ et al.], Assessment of lessons learned from Sida support to conflict management and peace building : annex 1-5, case studies, Sida Evaluation ; 00/37:2, Stockholm : Sida, 2000, pp.107 p.
Humanitarian assistance : breaking the waves of complex political emergencies : a literature survey. CDR Working Papers :99.5, Copenhagen : CDR, 1999, 108 p., Centre for Development Research