Giuseppe Martinico
Job Title
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
Books (in English, Italian and Spanish)
Authored Books
- G.Martinico, The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process: The Frustrating Knot of Europe, Routledge, Abingdon, 2012 [Reviewed in European Law Journal, European Law Review, Revista de Estudios Politicos, diritticomparati, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, Panóptica]
- G.Martinico, L’integrazione silente. La funzione interpretativa della Corte di Giustizia e il diritto costituzionale europeo, Jovene, Napoli, 2009 [Reviewed in Common Market Law Review, European Pulic Law, European Journal of Law Reform, Civitas Europa, Rivista Trimestrale di Diritto Pubblico, Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo, Revista Eeuropea de Derechos Fundamentales, Giornale di Diritto Amministrativo]
- G.Martinico, Lo spirito polemico del diritto europeo Studio sulle ambizioni costituzionali dell'Unione, Aracne, Roma, 2011 [Reviewed in European Law Review, Common Market Law Review, Estudios de Deusto, diritti comparati, Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, Revista Română De Drept European]
Co-authored books
· L.I.Gordillo- G. Martinico, Historias del País de las Hadas. La jurisprudencia constitucionalizadora del Tribunal de Justicia, Civitas, Thomson-Reuters, 2015
· G.Martinico-O.Pollicino, The Interaction between Europe's Legal Systems: Judicial Dialogueand the Creation of Supranational Laws, Elgar, 2012 [Reviewed in Common Market Law Review, European constitutional Law Review, Revista Română De Drept European, diritticomparati].
Edited Books
- G. Delledonne – G. Martinico (eds.), The Canadian contribution to a Comparative Constitutional Law of Secession: The Legacy of the Reference Re Secession of Quebec, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, forthcoming (2019)
- G. Delledonne- G. Martinico- L. Pierdominici (eds.), Il costituzionalismo canadese a 150 anni dalla Confederazione. Riflessioni comparatistiche, Pisa University Press, 2017 Pisa University Press, Pisa, 2017
- M. Avbelj-F.Fontanelli- G.Martinico (eds.), Kadi on Trial: A multifaceted analysis of the Kadi judgment, Routledge, Abindgon, 2014
- M. Sandru- G. Martinico- M. Banu (eds), Dealing with EU Law. The role of national courts in the interpretation and application of European Union law, Ed. Universitara, Bucharest, 2013
- F.Fontanelli-G.Martinico-P.Carrozza- (eds.), Shaping rule of law through dialogue: international and supranational experiences, Europa Law Publishing, 2009., 500 pages [reviewed in Common Market Law Review, European Journal of International Law, European Public Law, Rivista Trimestrale di diritto pubblico, Rivista di diritto pubblico comunitario].
· G.Martinico-O.Pollicino (eds.), The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU Laws: A Comparative Constitutional Perspective, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2010, 500 pages (reviewed in Common Market Law Review, European Law Review, European Law Review, European Journal of International Law, Rivista di diritto pubblico comunitario)
- F.Fontanelli-G.Martinico (eds), The ECJ under siege: new constitutional challenges for the ECJ , Iupindia, 2009, 250 pages
- M.Campopiano-L.Gori-E.Stradella-G.Martinico (ed.), Dialoghi con il Presidente. Allievi ed ex allievi delle scuole d'eccellenza pisane a colloquio con Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, Edizioni Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, 477 pages
Special Issues (edited)
- G. Martinico- R. Albert- A. Baraggia- C. Fasone (eds), The Constitution of Canada: History, Evolution, Influence and Reform, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 9 issue 3/2017, 232 pages
- G. Delledonne- G. Martinico (eds.), Le fédéralisme européen. Dossier de Politique européenne, n. 53, 2016, 130 pages
- G. Martinico- R. Castaldi (eds), The Never-Ending Reform of the EU: Another Chain in the Semi-Permanent Treaty Revision Process? Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 6, Issue 3, 2014, 238 pages.
- G. Martinico-G. Delledonne, P. Popelier (eds.), Re-Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism. A Special Issue, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 6, Issue 2, 2014, 347 pages
- G.Martinico-R.Castaldi (eds.), Rethinking (EU) Citizenship, special issue, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3, Issue 2, 2011, 127 pages
- G.Delledonne-G.Martinico (eds.), Exploring Subnational Constitutonalism, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 4, Issue 2, 2012, 360 pages.
Works in English
Journal Articles (peer reviewed)
- Selected
- G. Martinico, “G. Martinico, "History of a (Limited) Success: Five Points on the Representativeness of the Committee of the Regions", Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 10, Issue 2/2018, E- 96-116
- G- Martinico, “An Uneasy Character: John Calhoun's. Cameos in The Gorgeous Hussy and Amistad”, Pólemos. Journal of Law, Literature and Culture, 2018, 35–51
- G. Martinico, “Constitutionalism, Resistance, and Openness: Comparative Law Reflections on Constitutionalism in Postnational Governance”, Yearbook of European Law, 2016, 318-340.
- G. Martinico, “Asymmetry as an Instrument of Differentiated Integration. The Case of the European Union”, European Journal of Law Reform, 2016, 139-158.
- G.Martinico, “When Courts Respectfully Disagree. How National Courts Disobey the ECHR”, Inter.American and European Human Rights Journal, 2016, 244-259.
- G. Martinico, “The Federal Language and the European Integration Process: the European Communities viewed from the US”, Politique européenne, n. 53, 2016, 38-59.
- G. Martinico, “The “Polemical” Spirit of European Constitutional Law: On the Importance of Conflicts in EU Law”, German Law Journal, 2015, 1343-1374
- G. Martinico, “Time and comparative law before courts: the subversive function of the diachronic comparison”, The Theory and Practice of Legislation, 2015, 195-212.
- G. Martinico- A. M. Russo, “Is the European Union a Militant Democracy? The perspective of the Court of Justice in Zambrano and Kadi”, European Public Law, 2015, 659-678
- G. Martinico, The constitutional implications of the crises, Journal of European Integration, 2015, 705-712
- G.Martinico, “Asymmetry and Complex Adaptive (Legal) Systems: The Case of the European Union”, Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2014, 281-299.
- G.Bianco-G.Martinico, “Dialogue or Disobedience? On the domestic effects of the ECHR in light of the Kamberaj decision”, European Public Law, 2014, 435-450.
· G.Martinico, “Multiple loyalties and dual preliminarity: The pains of being a judge in a multilevel legal order”, International Journal of Constitutional Law, 2012, 871–896.
· G.Martinico, “Is The European Convention Going To Be “Supreme”? A Comparative-Constitutional Overview of ECHR And EU Law Before National Courts”, European Journal of International Law, 2012, 401-424.
- G.Martinico, “The Tangled Complexity of the EU Constitutional Process: On Complexity as a Constitutional Theory of the EU”, Yearbook of European Law, 2012, 198-226.
- G.Delledonne-G.Martinico, “Legal Conflicts and Subnational Constitutionalism”, Rutgers Law Journal, 2012. 881-912
- G.Martinico, “Chasing the European Court of Justice: On Some (Political) Attempts to Hijack the European Integration Process”, International Community Law Review, 2012, 243-272.
· G. Martinico, “The Impact of the Treaty On Stability, Coordination and Governance On the National Constitutional Structure: The Regional Example”, Michigan Journal of International Law Emerging Scholarship Project (July 8, 2013), 101-113.
- G.Martinico, “Judging in the Multilevel Legal Order: Exploring The Techniques Of ‘Hidden Dialogue’”, in King’s Law Journal, 2010, 257-281.
- C.Cantore-G.Martinico, “Asymmetry or Dis-integration? A few considerations on the new ‘Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union’,, European Public Law, 2013, 463–480
- G.Delledonne-G.Martinico, “Handle with care! The Regional Charters and Italian Constitutionalism’s ‘Grey Zone’” European Constitutional Law Review, 2/2009, 218-236.
· F.Fontanelli-G.Martinico, “Between procedural impermeability and constitutional openness: the 102 and decision of the Italian Constitutional Court”, European Law Journal, 2010, 345–364.
· G. Martinico, “Reading the others: American legal scholars and the unfolding European integration”, European Journal of Law Reform, 1/2009, 35-49
- G.Martinico, “Complexity and cultural sources of law in the EU context: from the multilevel constitutionalism to the constitutional synallagma”, German Law Journal, 3/ 2007, 205-230.
- G.Martinico, “Dating Cinderella: On Subsidiarity as a Political Safeguard of Federalism in the European Union”, European Public Law, 2011, 649-660.
- Other journal articles (peer reviewed)
- G. Martinico, “Identity Conflicts and Secession Before Courts: Three Case Studies”, Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, 21, 2017, 1- 30.
- G. Martinico- R. Albert- A. Baraggia- C. Fasone, “An Opportunity for Reflection – A Special Issue on “The Constitution of Canada: History, Evolution, Influence and Reform”, Perspectives on Federalism, 3/2017, I- VII.
- G. Delledonne- G. Martinico, “Yes or No? Mapping the Italian Academic Debate on the Constitutional Reform”, Italian Law Journal, 2017, 49- 60.
- G. Martinico, “Celebrating nine years together”, Perspectives on Federalism, 2017, I- II
- L. Mancano- G. Martinico, “An Italian tale of two Courts. Judgment nº 49/2015 of the Italian Constitutional Court and its relationship with Strasbourg”, Civitas. Revista española de derecho europeo, 2016, 199-214
- G. Martinico, “What Does Solidarity Mean in Multi-National Contexts? The Case of the European Union”, Romanian Journal of Comparative Law, 2016, 7-40.
- G. Martinico, “Exploring the constitutional complexity of the EU. An introduction to a symposium”, Panóptica, Revista Eletrônica Acadêmica de Direito, 2015, 6-10
- G. Martinico, “Taking complexity seriously. A rejoinder”, Panóptica, Revista Eletrônica Acadêmica de Direito, 2015, 39-43
- G. Martinico, “Four Points on the Court of Justice of the EU”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 6 Issue 3 2014, E- 102- 125
- G. Martinico- L. Pierdominici, “Crisis, emergency and subnational constitutionalism in the Italian context”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol 6, Issue2, 2014, E- 116- 140.
- G. Martinico, “EU Crisis And Constitutional Mutations: A Review Article”, Revista de Estudios Politicos, 2014, 247-280.
- G.Martinico, “Democracy and Constitutionalism in Times of Crisis: An Exploratory Essay on the Constitutional Function developed by the EU”, Revista General de Derecho Público Comparado, 2014, 1-21.
- G.Martinico, “The Asymmetric Turn Of The New European Economic Governance: Some Remarks On The Treaty On Stability, Coordination And Governance In The Economic And Monetary Union” Revista Catalana de Dret Públic, 2013, 128-139
- F.Fontanelli-G.Martinico, “Browsing The XX Files Necessity in the GATT, and why it is not like proportionality in the EU”, SWUPL International Law Review, Xiamen University Press, 2013, 32-58.
· G.Martinico, “Community Of Legislatures And Circulation Of Models: The Case of Canada”, Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law / Revue de droit parlementaire et politique. 2013, 323-338.
- G.Martinico, “Born to Be Together: The Constitutional Complexity of the EU”, (Canadian) Review of Constitutional Studies, 2011, 63-95
· G.Delledonne-G.Martinico, “Exploring Subnational Constitutionalism: A Special Issue”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 4, Issue 2/2012, E-1-6.
· G.Martinico, “The Importance of Consistent Interpretation in Subnational Constitutional Contexts: Old Wine in New Bottles?”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 4, Issue 2/2012, E-269-293
· G.Martinico, “The Euro-Area Crisis: A First Legal Analysis”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3, Issue 3/2011, N-1-15.
- G.Martinico, “How “European” is the Italian Regional State now? A study on the Europeanization of the Italian Regional System”, Revista de Estudios Autonomicos y Federales (REAF) REAF, núm. 14, 2011, 36-66
- G.Martinico-R.Castaldi, “Rethinking (EU) citizenship”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3, Issue 2/2011, I-IX
- G.Martinico, “Constitutional Failure Or Constitutional Odyssey? What Can We Learn From Canada And Switzerland”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 3, Issue 1, 2011, E-51- 77
- G.Martinico, “Constitutionalism as a “Resource”. A Constitutional Approach to the Development Debate”, International Journal of Public Law and Policy, 2011, 154.170
· G.Martinico, “The Berlusconi judgement: a brief case note on the decision of the Italian Constitutional Court (n.262/2009)”, European Public Law, Vol. 16, n. 2/2010, 231-238
· M.Cerizza-G.Martinico, “Supranationalism in EU Criminal Justice: Another Incoming Tide?” Civitas Europa, 25, 2010, 33-49.
· G.Martinico, “The new “Estatutos de autonomìa” in Spain: a brief overview of the literature”, Perspectives on Federalism, 1/2010, R- 1-15.
· G.Martinico, “Constructivism, Evolutionism and Pluralism: Europe’s Constitutional Grammar”, King's Law Journal, 2009, 309-326.
· G.Martinico, “From the Constitution for Europe to the Reform Treaty: a literature survey on European Constitutional Law”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 1, issue 1, 2009, R 13-41.
- G. Martinico, “The impact of the cohesion policies on the “Form of Union”, Perspectives on Federalism, Vol. 1, issue 1, 2009, E 15-39.
· G. Martinico-O. Pollicino-V. Sciarabba, “Hands off the untouchable core: a constitutional appraisal of the Kadi case”, European Journal of Law Reform, 3/2009, 281-304
- F. Fontanelli-G. Martinico, “The Hidden Dialogue: When Judicial Competitors Collaborate”, Global Jurist Advances, Global Jurist 8.3 (2008). Available at:
· G. Martinico, “Tales from the overseas. Short remarks on judicial implications of supranational integration in UK and Ireland”, Civitas Europa, 20, 2008, 153-174.
· G. Martinico, “Comparative legal studies and European integration: looking at the origins of the debate”, in Boletin Mexicano de derecho comparado, 2008, 859-883.
· G. Martinico-O. Pollicino, “Between constitutional tolerance and judicial activism: the “specificity” of the European judicial law”, European Journal of Law Reform, 1/2008, 97-125.
· G. Martinico, “The interpretative judgments of the ECJ as “complex” sources of EC law”, Civitas Europa, 19, 2007, 21-45.
· G. Martinico, “The Constitutional Language of the Cohesion Policies”, Panóptica, Revista Eletrônica Acadêmica de Direito, 1, n. 9/2007, 178-199.
- Books Chapters
- Forthcoming
- B. Guastaferro- G. Martinico- O. Pollicino, “Report on Italy” in Albi A (ed), The Role of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance (Asser Press forthcoming 2016)
- Published
- G. Martinico, “Constitutional Conflicts and Agonistic Pluralism: What Can We Learn From Political Theory?”, in M. Avbelj- G. Davies (eds), Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law, Elgar, Cheltenham, 2018, 78-94-
- G. Martinico, "Overcoming False Dichotomies: Constitutionalism and Pluralism in European and International Studies", in M. Belov (ed.), Global Constitutionalism and Its Challenges to Westphalian Constitutional Law, Hart, Oxford, 2018, 55-78
- G. Martinico- M. Simoncini, “An Italian Perspective on the Principle of Proportionality”, in S. Vogenauer, S. Weatherill (eds.), General Principles of Law European and Comparative Perspectives, Hart, 2017, 221-241.
- G. Martinico, “Italy: Between Constitutional Openness and Resistance” in S. Lambrecht, P. Lemmens and P. Popelier (eds), Criticism of the European Court of Human Rights. Shifting the Convention System: Counter-dynamics at the National and EU Level, Intersentia, 2016, 177-198
- G. Martinico, “A Multi-Speed EU? An Institutional and Legal Assessment”, in L. Vai, P. D. Tortola- N. Pirozzi (eds), Governing Europe. How to Make the EU More Efficient and Democratic, Peter Lang, Brussels, p. 111- 132 (previously published as IAI- CSF Working Paper Series, 2015, available at:
- G. Martinico, “Interjudicial dialogue and interparliamentary dialogue, in the Constitution of the Union”, in N. Lupo- C. Fasone (eds) Interparliamentary cooperation in the composite European Constitution, Hart Publishing, 2016, 39-53.
- G.Martinico, “National Courts and Judicial Disobedience to the ECHR. A Comparative Overview”, in O.M. Arnardóttir-A.Buyse, Shifting Centres of Gravity in Human Rights Protection: Rethinking Relations between the ECHR, EU, and National Legal Orders, Routledge, Abingdon, 2016, 59-78.
- G. Martinico, “The problematic triangle: national constitutions, the ECHR and EU law in the post Lisbon scenario”, in L. Gordillo (ed.), Constitutionalism of European Supranational Courts”, Thomson-Aranzadi, 2015, 193-216
- G. Martinico, “The Autonomy of EU Law: A Joint Kadi II - Van Gend en Loos Celebration”, in M. Avbelj-F.Fontanelli- G.Martinico (eds.), Kadi on Trial: A multifaceted analysis of the Kadi judgment, Routledge, Abindgon, 2014, 157-171
- G.Martinico, “Two Worlds (Still) Apart? ECHR and EU law before national judges”, in V. Kosta- N.Skoutaris-V. P. Tzevelekos (eds.), The EU Accession to the ECHR, Hart, Oxford, 2014, 141-158.
- G. Martinico, “Between Rights and Charters: ECHR and EU law before national judges”, in M. Sandru- G. Martinico- M. Banu (eds), Dealing with EU Law. The role of national courts in the interpretation and application of European Union law, Ed. Universitara, Bucharest, 2013, 1-32.
- M. Sandru- G. Martinico- M. Banu, Introduction, in M. Sandru- G. Martinico- M. Banu (eds), Dealing with EU Law. The role of national courts in the interpretation and application of European Union law, Ed. Universitara, Bucharest, 2013, 1-32.
- G.Martinico-C.Skinner, “Shaping Law Through Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation: The Case Of Canada” in L.Scaffardi-N.Lupo (eds.), Comparative Law in Legislative Drafting. The Increasing Importance of Dialogue amongst Parliaments, Eleven International Publishing, The Hague, 245-263.
- G.Martinico, “National Judges And European Laws: A Comparative Constitutional Perspective”, M. Cremona –P. Hipold- N. Lavranos- S. Staiger Schneider-A. Ziegler (eds ) Reflections on the Constitutionalisation of International Economic Law: Liber Amicorum for Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann Brill/Martinus Nijhoff Academic Publishers, 2013, 65-80.
- G.Martinico, “The Temporal Effects of the Italian Constitutional Court and the Mechanism of Warning Decisions”, in P. Popelier, S. Verstraelen, D. Vanheule -B. Vanlerberghe (eds.), The Effects of Judicial Decisions in Time, Intersentia, Antwerp-Cambridge, 2013, 135-150
- G.Martinico, “What lies behind Article 4.2 TEU?”, in A.Saiz Arnaiz - Carina Alcoberro Llivina, (ed.), National constitutional identity and European integration, Intersentia, Antwerp-Cambridge, 2013, 93-108
- G.Martinico, “The impact of “regional blindness” on the Italian Regional State”, E. Cloots, G.De Baere, S.Sottiaux (eds), Federalism in the European Union, Hart Publisher, Oxford, 2012, 362-380.
- G.Martinico, “VI.B.6 Refugees in the European Union: Apostolides v. Orams”, in S Cassese et al. (eds) Global Administrative Law Handbook - Cases, Materials, Issues. Third edition, 2012, 85-89.
- G.Martinico, “VIII.15. The relationship between the Italian Constitutional Court and the ECJ. Issues on the preliminary reference in C. Cost. Order 103/2008”, in S Cassese et al. (eds) Global Administrative Law Handbook - Cases, Materials, Issues. Third edition, 2012, 118-123
- G.Martinico-O.Pollicino, “The impact of the European courts on the Italian Constitutional Court”, in P. Popelier, C. Van De Heyning & P. Van Nuffel (eds.), Human Rights Protection in the European Legal Order: the Interaction between the European and the National Courts, Cambridge, Intersentia, 2011, 261 ff..
- G.Martinico, “National Judges and Supranational Laws: Goals and Structure of the Research”, in G.Martinico-O.Pollicino (eds.), The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU Laws, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2010, 7-19.
- G. Martinico- O. Pollicino, “Report on Italy” in G.Martinico-O.Pollicino (eds.), The national judicial treatment of the ECHR and EU Laws, Europa Law Publishing, Groningen, 2010, 269-298.
- G. Martinico, “Preliminary Reference and Constitutional Courts. Are You in the Mood for Dialogue?”, in F.Fontanelli, G.Martinico- P.Carrozza (eds.), Shaping Rule of Law Through Dialogue, Europa Law Publishing Groningen, 2010, 219-247.
- F.Fontanelli-G.Martinico, “Focusing on courts: the techniques of hidden dialogue in the multilevel system”, in -F.Snyder- I.Maher (ed.), The evolution of the European Courts: institutional change and continuity, proceedings of the 6th International Workshop for Young Scholars (WISH), Bruylant, 2009, 37-66.