Farhan Siddiqi
Job Title
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
a) Books
1. (working on manuscript) with Muhammad Nadeem Mirza. Introducing International Relations: Concepts, Theories, and Practice (Karachi: Oxford University Press)
2. (2012) The Politics of Ethnicity in Pakistan: The Baloch, Sindhi and Mohajir Ethnic Movements (London and New York: Routledge)
b) Articles in Refereed Journals
1. (forthcoming, accepted for publication) “Discrimination is what ethnic groups make of it: Subjective perceptions of peripherality among the Mohajirs of Pakistan.” Nations and Nationalism
2. (2016) “Security Estimations in South Asia: Alliance Formation or Balance of Power.” Strategic Studies 36 (2): 75-91.
3. (2014) “Pakistan and Singapore as small powers: Comparative thematic evaluation and policy imperatives.” African and Asian Studies 13 (1-2): 187-204.
4. (2013) “General Elections in Pakistan 2013: The Consolidation of Democracy?” Pakistan Horizon 66 (1-2): 15-28.
5. (2012) “Security Dynamics in Pakistani Balochistan: Religious Activism and Ethnic Conflict in the War on Terror.” Asian Affairs: An American Review 39 (3): 157-175.
6. (2012) “India-China relations in the 21st century: Impact on Regional and Global Politics.” Pakistan Horizon 65 (2): 59-72.
7. (2012) “Russia-NATO Ties: Impact on Neighbouring Regions.” Journal of European Studies 28 (1): 78-98.
8. (2011) “Morgenthau and Waltz: Traversing the Theoretical Path from Realism to Neorealism.” Pakistan Journal of International Relations 2 (II): 31-59.
9. (2010) “Nation-Formation and National Movement(s) in Pakistan: A Critical Estimation of Hroch’s Stage Theory.” Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity 38 (6): 777-792.
10. (2010) “Intra-Ethnic Fissures in Ethnic Movements: The Rise of Mohajir Identity Politics in Post-1971 Pakistan.” Asian Ethnicity 11 (1): 25-41.
11. (2009) “Pakistan’s Federal Predicament.” Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies IX (1): 56-73.
12. (2000) “The State, Relative Deprivation and War: A Case Study of the Secession of East Pakistan, 1947-1971.” Pakistan Perspectives 5 (1): 95-114.
13. (2000) “The Effects of Debts on Pakistan's National Security, National Development and Security.” IX (2): 37-49.
c) Chapters in Edited Books
1. (2017) Regional Dynamics and Implications for Afghanistan. In Achieving Peace in Afghanistan: Challenges and Prospects, edited by Sarah Siddiq Aneel. Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute.
2. (2015) Political Economy of the Ethnonationalist Uprising in Pakistani Balochistan, 1999-2013. In The Political Economy of Conflict in South Asia, edited by Matthew Webb and Albert Wijeweera. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
3. (2014) Karachi: Violent Politics and Economic Meltdown. In Issues of National Integration and Harmony in Pakistan, edited by Arshi Saleem Hashmi. Islamabad: National Defence University.
4. (2013) Ethno-Politics, Ethnic Conflict and the State in Pakistan. In Federalism in Pluralistic Developing Societies: Learning from the European Experiences, edited by Naveed Ahmad Tahir. Karachi: University of Karachi Press.
5. (2011) Nation-Formation and National Movement(s) in Pakistan: A Critical Estimation of Hroch’s Stage Theory. In The Comparative Approach to National Movements: Miroslav Hroch and Nationalism Studies, edited by Alexander Maxwell. London: Routledge.
6. (2010) Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Balochistan: Recommendations and Analysis. In Balochistan: Rationalisation of Centre-Province Relations, edited by Maqsudul Hasan Nuri, Azhar Ahmad and Farhat Akram. Islamabad: Islamabad Policy Research Institute.
7. (2009) Regional Security Dynamics in the Middle East: The Problematic Search for a Regional Leader. In Regional Leaders in the Global Security Arena: Interests, Strategies and Capabilities, edited by David Bosold et. al. Berlin: German Council on Foreign Relations.
8. (2009) Theories of International Relations: From Liberal Internationalism to Post-Positivism. In International Relations Today: Theories, Methods and Areas of Research, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.
9. (2008) The Failed Experiment with Federalism in Pakistan (1947-1971). In Defunct Federalisms: Critical Perspectives on Federal Failure, edited by Emilian Kavalski and Magdalena Zolkos. Burlington: Ashgate.
10. (2008) A Case Study of Conflict Management in Northern Ireland. In Conflict Management Mechanisms and the Challenge of Peace, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.
11. (2005) Peace and Conflict Studies in Pakistan. In Social Sciences in Pakistan: A Profile, edited by Inayatullah. Islamabad: Council of Social Sciences.
12. (2003) Conflict Resolution and Peace: Conceptual and Theoretical Concerns. In Paradigms of Conflict Resolution in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Dhaka: The University Press Limited.
13. (2002) An Introduction to Pakistan’s Ethnic and Religious Conflicts. In Searching for Peace in Central and South Asia: An Overview of Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding Activities, edited by Monique Mekenkamp, Paul van Tongeren, and Hans van de Veen. Boulder: Lynne Rienner Publishers.
14. (2001) State Building and Internal Security in India and Pakistan: The Need for a Domestic CBM Regime in South Asia. In The Challenge of Confidence-Building in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. New Delhi: HarAnand Publications.
15. (2001) The Internal, External and Regional Dynamics of Security in South Asia. In The Challenges of Conflict Resolution and Security in 21st Century: Problems and Prospects, edited by Moonis Ahmar and Farhan Hanif Siddiqi. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.
16. (2000) The Economic Dimension of the CTBT Controversy. In The CTBT Controversy: Different Perceptions in South Asia, edited by Moonis Ahmar. Karachi: Department of International Relations, University of Karachi.
17. (1998) Dual Containment Policy and South Asian Security. In Internal and External Dynamics of South Asian Security, edited by Moonis Ahmar (Karachi: Fazleesons Ltd).