Job Title
Director of the Overseas Development Institute
Overseas Development Institute
Area of Expertise
- Conflict
- Gender and constitutions
- Diversity
- Customary governance/legal pluralism
- Human rights
- Judicial system design
- Minority issues
- Participation
- Power sharing (horizontal/vertical)
- Religion
- Security sector
(from last year only)
Books, Monographs, Edited Volumes
* ‘The Future of Development Partnerships in Asia: Mapping the Agenda to 2015’ (written with Mark Robinson, edited by John Farringdon and Mark Robinson), Development Policy Review, Volume 24, Supplement 1, August 2006.
Articles in Books
* ‘Human rights and the Millennium Development Goals: contradictory frameworks?’, a meeting in the ODI meetings series ‘Human Rights and Poverty Reduction: Realities, Controversies and Strategies’ with Archer, R. Published in Human Rights and Poverty Reduction: Realities, Controversies and Strategies, edited by Tammie O’Neil, March 2006.
Articles in Journals
* ‘Making the system work’ in Public Service Review: International Development, issue 3, November 2005.
* ‘Perspectives on the EU’s Global Role’ (2006). Helsinki: UN Association of Finland, Oneworld net Finland, KEHYS ry, also published as an ODI Opinion Paper: ‘Where Europe Stands in the New Aid Architecture and Why We Need a New €5bn European MDG Fund’ ODI Opinions 70, June 2006.
Working Papers
* What’s Next in International Development? Perspectives from the 20% Club and the 0.2% Club ODI Working Paper 270, June 2006, ODI: London.
ODI Opinions
* ‘UN Reform: An eight step programme for more effective collective action’ ODI Opinions 49, September 2005.
* ‘Where Europe Stands in the New Aid Architecture and Why We Need a New €5bn European MDG Fund’ ODI Opinions 70, June 2006.