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The Arguments of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) regarding Equality and Sovereignty

This document displays the submission of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP) to the Theme Committee One Block Two regarding their arguments on the subjects such as equality, sovereignty and secularism. According to the ACDP, equality is central to a Bill of Rights and all shall have equal access and protection of the law. ACDP agrees with the concept of a "sovereign" state, only in the context of an independent country within a prescribed jurisdiction. Moreover, the ACDP is not believe that a stateshould be absolute, all powerful, unlimited or supreme, but rather, it should be the constitution that is supreme. The ACDP vehemently rejects any plan to turn South Africa into a secular state. In this document, ACDP lays doewn the biblical principles that they would like to see undergirding the constitution.

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