5 February
Flag of Belgium (photo credit: Chickenonline via pixabay)
Francophone socialist party PS is tabling a proposal to amend Belgium’s Constitution to impose gender parity in the federal government.
The proposal comes in the wake of criticism of the new executive, which has only four women out of 15 members, with no women on the Council of Ministers.
PS, which is now in opposition, also wants to “reflect” on ensuring parity within the council, something that is not defined by the Constitution. The party says it proposed the measure during the previous legislature, but the ruling parties failed to reach agreement on the institutional and democratic renewal aspects. [ . . . ] The rule enshrined in the constitution in 2002 says that a government cannot be made up entirely of men or women. However, the preparatory works state that governments are free to introduce greater guaranteed representation, which some federated entities have since done.
In Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, at least one-third of ministers must be of a different gender to the majority. The greens want to transpose this rule to all Belgium’s governments.
Read the full article here:
Belga News Agency
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