In Tanzania, president convenes meeting of senior government officials to discuss constitution-making process and amendment of electoral laws

By Louis Kalumbia, 15 May 2023
Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan (photo credit via The East African)
Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan (photo credit via The East African)
President Samia Suluhu Hassan’s efforts to revive the stalled constitution review process points to political will in the highest office in the country as far as key developments are concerned. The constitution writing process was initiated by Tanzania’s fourth President, Mr Jakaya Kikwete, but stalled in 2014. [...] On [6 May], President Hassan convened a meeting of senior government officials at Chamwino State House in Dodoma to discuss the process’ revival and amendment of election-related laws, including the National Electoral Commission (NEC) and Political Parties (PPs) acts. Those who attended the meeting include Registrar of Political Parties Francis Mutungi and Constitutional and Legal Affairs minister Damas Ndumbaro, according to director of presidential communications Zuhura Yunus. Others are Minister of State in the Prime Minister's Office (Policy, Parliamentary Affairs, Labour, Employment, Youth and People with Disabilities) Jenista Mhagama and several heads of government institutions. [...] Chadema deputy secretary-general (Mainland) Benson Kigaila said by revitalising the constitution writing process, the government will be fulfilling responsibilities it denied in 1989 or before introduction of pluralism in 1992.
Read the full article here: The Citizen


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