In the Philippines, house approves bill for constitutional convention to amend constitution

By Gabriel Pabico Lalu, 6 March 2023
Flag of the Philippines (photo credit: titus_jr0 via pixabay)
Flag of the Philippines (photo credit: titus_jr0 via pixabay)
Resolution of Both Houses (RBH) No. 6, which calls for a constitutional convention to amend the 1987 Constitution, has been adopted after hurdling the House of Representatives on [its] third and final reading. During [the session on 6 March] presided by Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez, RBH No. 6 was approved with 301 lawmakers voting in its favor. There were six lawmakers who voted against it, while one abstained. RBH No. 6 is a call for Congress to use a constitutional convention in pursuing charter change, where voters would be asked to elect the delegates. This is one of the three ways to amend the constitution as stated in the 1987 Constitution, aside from constituent assembly, where Congress would sit as the amending body, and People’s Initiative. As of now, there are two measures seeking charter change that are on the plenary: RBH No. 6, and House Bill (HB) No. 7352. HB No. 7352 outlines rules and regulations that would be followed in coming up with the constitutional convention. If passed and enacted, the bill would [effectuate] RBH No. 6. RBH No. 6 was passed on second reading last February 28, while HB No. 7352 was brought up in the plenary last March 1.
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