Mexican supreme court accepts legal challenges to electoral reform package

19 February 2023
Flag of Mexico (photo credit: Chickenonline via pixabay)
Flag of Mexico (photo credit: Chickenonline via pixabay)
[Original in Spanish] The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) admitted for processing the actions of unconstitutionality promoted by political parties and legislators against the first package of the so-called "Plan B" of the electoral reform. [...] The Supreme Court admitted the actions of unconstitutionality filed by the PRD, PAN and PRI [...] [and] the actions of unconstitutionality filed by the deputies of the coalition Va por Mexico, formed by PAN, PRI and PRD[.] [...] In the appeals filed, the parties and legislators a[rgue] that the equity in the electoral processes is violated, by allowing public servants to pronounce themselves in favor of any candidate. They also argue[] against the fast track with which Morena endorsed the reform, pointing out that after the constitutional reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador was rejected, reforms to secondary laws were immediately presented in the Chamber of Deputies, of which there was no time to know or discuss prior to [their] approval. The constitutional controversies filed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) and a city council are still pending.
Read the full article here: La Jornada Veracruz


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