In Mali, junta announces creation of constitution drafting committee

By Camille Pauvarel, 20 June 2022
Interim president Colonel Assimi Goita (photo credit: Reuters / Amadou Keita)
Interim president Colonel Assimi Goita (photo credit: Reuters / Amadou Keita)
The leader of Mali's military transitional government [announced the formation of] a body in charge of writing a new Constitution. Colonel Assimi Goïta will be in charge of choosing the members of this committee who will have to present to him a draft version of the text in two months. The team will include a president, two rapporteurs and experts. It will be able to consult, all political parties and the civil society including religious organisations and traditional authorities. [...] This decision comes just days after the junta announced on June 6 it would stay in power for two additional years, before organising democratic elections in March 2024. The West African country is facing sanctions from its regional partners of the ECOWAS as it did not meet the deadline for elections to be held by the end of February this year.
Read the full article here: AfricaNews


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