In Luxembourg, legislature passes third chapter of constitutional reform "on rights and freedoms"

By Cordula Schnuer, 11 March 2022
Luxembourg parliament (photo credit: SIP)
Luxembourg parliament (photo credit: SIP)
Luxembourg’s Chamber of Deputies on Wednesday voted on the next chapter of a reform of the country’s constitution, enshrining children’s and animal rights but also closing the door on foreigners gaining the right to vote in national elections. The process to update Luxembourg’s constitution has been ongoing for more than a decade. After a comprehensive new text was split up into four chapters, MPs previously passed the first two batches of updates--on the justice system and wide-ranging reforms of the organisation of the state and government. [...] New to the constitution is a right to data protection. The right to start a family is being added to a list of civil liberties, which also strengthens children’s rights. [...] The text also enshrines human dignity, academic freedom and animal rights, access to culture, and a commitment of the state to combat climate change and work towards climate neutrality. It strengthens the rights of persons with disabilities and establishes social dialogue, the protection of cultural heritage, the right to housing and the right to work as goals for the state to strive for. While these targets cannot be claimed in court, it means the Council of State must analyse all new laws whether they are compatible with the targets and whether they work towards the achievement of these goals.
Read the full article here: Delano


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