In Haiti, presidential vote set for November 7

By AFP, 12 August 2021
Flag of Haiti (photo credit: pixabay)
Flag of Haiti (photo credit: pixabay)
Haiti will hold presidential elections last scheduled for September on November 7, officials said [on 11 August], with the assassination of president Jovenel Moise still shrouded in mystery. A hit squad burst into the presidential residence and shot Moise dead in the early hours of July 7. His wife Martine was wounded but survived. The provisional electoral council said polling day will include the first round of the presidential election, legislative elections that should have been held in 2019, and a constitutional referendum that Moise supported. The referendum was twice postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to the new electoral calendar, the second round of presidential and legislative elections will be on January 23, 2022 at the same time as municipal and local elections, which have also been delayed for years.
Read the full article here: France 24


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