Turkey's ruling party drafts new constitution proposal

3 August 2021
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
Turkey's ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) drafted a constitution proposal that introduces several new features, including allowing citizens to put forth law proposals and giving Parliament the prerogative to dismiss ministers, according to details revealed by an expert. [...Professor Yavuz Atar said] that the draft envisions citizens introducing bills and constitutional change proposals after collecting a specific number of signatures. The new system will also strengthen Parliament’s power by giving it the prerogative to dismiss ministers under some conditions, Atar said. This will ensure that the president, vice presidents and ministers are held accountable by Parliament, according to Atar. Atar also noted that the new system would not include a vote of confidence, which he said was a feature of parliamentary systems. [...] The new constitution is expected to have 120 to 130 articles in total, which will be determined in line with final evaluations. It is being formed to prioritize civil liberties such as fundamental rights and freedoms, universal standards and international agreements, according to Atar.
Read the full article here: Daily Sabah


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