In Romania, ombudsman reinstated after constitutional court rules removal process was unconstitutional

By Andrei Chirileasa, 6 July 2021
Ombudsman Renate Weber (photo credit: Business Review)
Ombudsman Renate Weber (photo credit: Business Review)
The current legal framework, under which the revocation of the Ombudsman was pursued, features "serious flaws," as it does not regulate distinctly, neither it limits the scenarios under which the procedure can be initiated, the Romanian Constitutional Court (CCR) stated in motivating the decision to admit the opposition's objections to the Ombudsman's dismissal by Parliament. [...] According to the constitutional judges, the possibility to dismiss the Ombudsman "as a result of violating the Constitution and the laws" does not respect the conditions of clarity, predictability and reasonableness.
Read the full article here: Romania Insider


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