Somalia schedules indirect parliamentary and presidential elections in 2021

By AFP, 30 June 2021
President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo of Somalia (photo credit: UNSOM Somalia/flickr)
President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo of Somalia (photo credit: UNSOM Somalia/flickr)
Somalia's political leaders have agreed to hold a long-delayed presidential election on October 10, the prime minister's office said Tuesday, following months of deadlock that turned violent at times. The office of Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble unveiled the timetable for indirect parliamentary and presidential elections in a statement on Twitter, saying stakeholders had agreed to a roadmap for a vote following two days of talks in the capital Mogadishu. [...] President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed and the leaders of Somalia's five states had been unable to agree on the terms of a vote before his term lapsed in February, triggering an unprecedented constitutional crisis. The political impasse exploded into violence in April when negotiations collapsed and the lower house of parliament extended the president's mandate by two years, sparking gun battles on the streets of Mogadishu. Under pressure, the president, commonly known as Farmajo, reversed the mandate extension and ordered his prime minister to reconvene with the state leaders to chart a fresh roadmap towards elections.
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