In Turkey, committee formed to start work on a new constitution

17 February 2021
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
Grand National Assembly of Turkey (photo credit: brewbooks/flickr)
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his far-right ally, Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Devlet Bahçeli, have agreed to establish a committee to work on a new constitution for the country, Akşam newspaper reported on Wednesday. [ . . . ] The committee’s work will last for a maximum of two years, during which it will take the views of non-governmental organisations and opposition parties. The text will be redrafted accordingly and brought before parliament for a final vote, the newspaper reported. Should parliament fail to approve the draft with the required two-thirds majority, it will be presented to a nationwide referendum.
Read the full article here: Ahval


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