Germany amends constitution to include children's rights

13 January 2021
Parliament of Germany (photo credit: Joan/flickr)
Parliament of Germany (photo credit: Joan/flickr)
Opposition politicians and child protection organizations essentially welcome the agreement between the Union and the SPD to include children’s rights in the Basic Law. [ . . . ] According to information from the SPD faction, a coalition working group finally discussed the exact wording of the change on Tuesday evening. According to the Ministry of Justice, Article 6 of the Basic Law, which regulates the relationship between parents, children and the state, should be supplemented with the following passage: “The constitutional rights of children, including their right to develop into independent personalities, must are respected and protected. Due account must be taken of the best interests of the child. The constitutional right of children to be heard must be upheld. The primary responsibility of the parents remains unaffected. “
Read the full article here: The Courier


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